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  1. NapFiend

    Delphi 2007 to 10.3 and Windows 10 taskbar issue

    I too had a similar issue wherby an app made in Delphi 2007 ported to 10.3 had an issue when closing a dialog. The preview would remian there and the taskbar icons would remain stacked indicating the presence of two forms. Closing the dialog that should have been hidden simply exits the whole application! I should also mention I have gone down the route of maintaining an instance of the dialogs opend by the main form rather that destorying and freeing them and remaking them when required. However, I found that setting popup mode to pmExplicit and setting PopupParent to nil. I found the info in this thread very useufl and though I would share this incase it is of any use to anyone stumbling across this problem.