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Mustafa E. Korkmaz

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Everything posted by Mustafa E. Korkmaz

  1. Mustafa E. Korkmaz

    Windows 11 (22H2) 8bit bitmap problem

    I use Delphi 11.3 8 bit images are displayed very badly on windows 11 computer. I think the color palette is different. image1 and image2 show same 24 bit bmp on screen. When you click to '8bit' button it changes pixel format of image2. procedure TForm1.b8bitClick(Sender: TObject); begin image2.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit; end; I run the same program on windows 10 and windows 11 computers. The image2 in windows 11 looks very bad. The first of the attached pictures is from windows 10, the second is from windows 11 (22H2). When I open the same 24-bit image in the paint brush application in windows 11 and save it as 256 colors, it still looks very bad on the screen. So I guess it's not about delphi directly. But maybe it's possible to restore the old color palette from delphi. The application I developed uses 8bit images heavily. How can I solve this problem?
  2. Mustafa E. Korkmaz

    Windows 11 (22H2) 8bit bitmap problem

    No. did not change the result >Is there a way to optimize the image palette to match the default 256 color Windows palette? I have no idea yet how to do it.
  3. I wrote android service application in java. I start this service from my delphi application. I use delphi 11. Android device OS version 11. If I set targetsdk to 29 from the manifest file, the project works fine. Cannot start java service from delphi if targetsdk is 30. I couldn't find how there is a change between api 29 and 30 regarding this issue. LIntent := TJIntent.Create; LIntent.setComponent( TJComponentName.JavaClass.init( StringToJString( PackageNameStr ), StringToJString( ServiceNameStr ) ) ); ServiceConnection := TRemoteServiceConnection.Create; ServiceConnection.OnConnected := OnServiceConnected; ServiceConnection.OnHandleMessage := OnMessage; ServiceConnection.BindService( PackageNameStr, ServiceNameStr ); if ( ( TJBuild_VERSION.JavaClass.SDK_INT >= 26 ) ) then startResult := TAndroidHelper.Activity.startForegroundService( LIntent ) else startResult := TAndroidHelper.Activity.startService( LIntent );