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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Maybe you can use Firedac via ODBC to get a dataset from the Excel-File on your Form / DataModule. FireDac has LocalSQL to query any dataset with SQL. So eventually you could query this dataset via SQL.
  2. TomF

    What is your Update Process?

    Usually I make a backup of FDConnectionDefs.ini and restore it after updating. After my updates in the last years there was always a default FDConnectionDefs.ini without the Connections I added before. Since this file is shared, even an existing D11 on the same machine does suffer from updating D12 in this case. In general I do not understand why the file is touched anyways - would be a great option in the update-options dialog to ask/inform customer about this overwriting of the file...
  3. TomF

    Getit Fails to Install Fast Reports D12.1

    I'm not quite sure - but I think I had a similar issue and solved it by installing Tee-Chart in Delphi. This installation of Tee-Chart can be activated during Delphi installation or later somewhere in the Delphi Tools/Features-menu.
  4. TomF

    Missing DPR

    Had exactly the same issue on one computer a few days ago. I exported the Delphi 11.3 setup with the migration-tool - removed and re-installed Delphi and then imported the setup with the migration-tool. Everything worked fine then on both computers. I never saw this "hickup" before on my environment...