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  1. JP_Pienaar

    Webhook example

    The intent is to feed real-time data internally (from one server to another inside the same firm). The client requested web-hooks, with a snapshot sent upon subscription (from last sequence specified in subscription detail) and live feeds thereafter. (All JSON) There are no web pages or browsers involved. Certs are required as their software sits in a DMZ.
  2. JP_Pienaar

    Webhook example

    I would be supplying the "Web" server. The client is not a browser but a data consumer written in another language. The client needs to subscribe to me, I believe the client would start listening for a connection/s from me once he successfully subscribed. So both me and him would be both listening and initiating connections. (If he needs feeds on 2x separate subjects he would need to subscribe twice, specifying 2x URLs for me to send to) In order to test I would be writing both sides anyway. (in Delphi) I will attempt a solution and if it works well share an example. Thanks
  3. JP_Pienaar

    Webhook example

    Hi, Is there an example of using ICS to create a server that supports webhook subscriptions? https://codeburst.io/what-are-webhooks-b04ec2bf9ca2 The Idea is for the consumer to send a REST JSON message detailing what he subscribes to, containing the URL he needs the data on. The server would then send all new events to the consumer as and when it happens. SSL would be needed. What I need to know is would it be possible to keep the reverse connection open and send messages over it for a period of a full day? Depending on frequency the overhead of re-establishing sessions could become too expensive. Thanks, JP