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Incus J

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Everything posted by Incus J

  1. Thanks for the reply. Yes - even in the hey day of PAD files and download sites I felt a good website was a requisite. I did feel many download sites flushed away their reputation over night when they began wrapping programs in dubious installers and bundles, without permission. I ended up adding a clause to my license agreement to the effect of "you can distribute this so long as you don't wrap it in anything". I still think a browsable library of software is useful when looking for software to do task x. More focussed than search engines, which can seem fickle in what they surface. A small developer may have a little gem of a program, but not necessarily SEO too. With a library there's usually a few contenders to try out. I guess that's App stores now!
  2. I'm using System.IOUtils TDirectory.GetFiles function to list files (and recurse into subfolders) on macOS. Trouble is, in addition to normal folders, it is also listing the contents of Packages. For example, if I ask GetFiles to recursively scan the standard /Pictures folder, the internal contents of the PhotosLibrary.photoslibrary package also gets added to the list. This sort of makes sense in a way, since on macOS a Package is essentially a special kind of folder: In Finder I can right-click on a Package and select View Package Contents. Question is though, how can I prevent GetFiles from looking inside and listing Package contents, and just return a list of the files a user would normally see, instead?
  3. Thank you Remy, thank you David. Your test app description confirms my sinking feeling - TDirectory GetDirectories & GetFiles functions are not currently geared up to handling the nuances of the macOS file system. They would need to become package aware at the very least - perhaps something for a future Delphi release. That in itself might be OK. I could let GetFiles drill down into packages, but in the predicate reject each file that is on a package path - since each file passed into the predicate will include access to its path. So I would (somehow) build a TStringList of folders that are packages, in a first pass e.g. /Pictures/PhotosLibrary.photoslibrary /Pictures/Photo Booth Library Then once I've built that list, call GetFiles. When the predicate receives /Pictures/PhotosLibrary.photoslibrary/somefile.ext I can compare its path against my list and reject it. Not very efficient though. Any tips for using the FileManager API directly? Never tried to call macOS/Cocoa directly from Delphi. Does the RTL include functions to help with that? I'm guessing converting parameter types from Cocoa to Delphi and back again might be tricky.
  4. Apple's developer documentation mentions: static var skipsPackageDescendants: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions An option to treat packages like files and not descend into their contents. I think that is the behaviour I'm looking for, but I'm not sure how I can achieve it with Delphi. Perhaps if I can determine which folders/paths are packages ahead of time, I could then use the Filter Predicate function to filter out all files on those paths: TDirectory.GetFiles(path, TSearchOption.soAllDirectories, MyFilterFunction);
  5. I have a TDataModule unit in an FMX app, which is auto-created when the app start up (I'm not creating it manually). When the app exits, I'd like a cleanup routine to execute. I've added this in an OnDestroy event handler for the Data Module, like this: procedure TDataModule1.DataModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Cleanup; end; But as far as I can tell my Cleanup routine is not called. So I've placed a breakpoint on the 'Cleanup;' line above. When I run the app the breakpoint red circle gets a green tick - so I think the breakpoint itself is valid and live. When I quit the app, it simply closes - the IDE does not stop at the breakpoint. Does that imply that the Data Module OnDestroy event is never triggered? Do I need to set anything special for the OnDestroy event to be called on an auto-created TDataModule? (I've had a look through the source for TDataModule in System.Classes - there is a call to FOnDestroy in a DoDestroy routine, but I'm not sure of the destruction sequence, as there's also BeforeDestruction and Destroy methods)
  6. Incus J

    TDataModule OnDestroy event never triggered?

    OK, I think I've understood (hopefully :). If I free a form or data module manually in code, then its associated OnDestroy event fires. But if the user closes the application, then OnDestroy events for auto-created forms and data modules are bypassed: The application simply terminates and relies on the OS to clean up any allocated memory. I've noticed that a form (but not a data module) has an OnSaveState event in the object inspector. Documentation indicates it is fired when a form is about to close. If that completes before the app terminates, it might be a good place to save preferences/state etc. and clean up.
  7. Incus J

    TDataModule OnDestroy event never triggered?

    Thank you! It looks a little bit over my head at first glance - but I will have a good look through it. Perhaps I also need to have a look at the equivalent TPlatformWindows Terminate procedure and compare with the macOS Cocoa one to see how they differ. Naive question: If they expect you to implement the form destruction event manually, what is the actual purpose of the OnDestroy event property in the object inspector?
  8. Incus J

    TDataModule OnDestroy event never triggered?

    Instant termination sounds like a (fairly major?) bug. If Exiting an app simply kills the process, nothing will get freed, preferences won't save etc. - so I'd need to free everything manually in the main form's Close event perhaps. Did you submit a bug report on the quality site? If yes, and you have a link to the report I can vote for it I think.
  9. Incus J

    Form designer width = client width?

    The overall size of the form may vary from platform to platform (e.g. sizes of titlebar and border differ between Windows and macOS, and may differ between OS versions too). So at design time you don't necessarily know what the overall width of the form will be. It would make sense for Delphi to use width of the client area - since that value is known at design time. If width is client width, then it would make sense for minwidth to be minimum client width also, so everything matches nicely - but I don't know whether that is the case. If not, and minwidth is using the full width of the form, while width isn't, that seems unfortunate. I believe minwidth is a new property for FMX in Alexandria though - perhaps it could use a tuneup. Just a workaround thought: If minwidth is including titlebar and border areas in its calculation, the RTL must have access to that all encompassing value, so your app may be able to query values once it is running, and set appropriate constraints at runtime, rather than design time. The documentation has entries for both FMX TForm width and clientwidth properties, so you may have more options to play with at runtime.
  10. Incus J

    TDataModule OnDestroy event never triggered?

    Thanks SwiftExpat - the app is running on macOS (deployed by the IDE when I click run). The IDE is running in a Windows VM on the same system (Fusion). Yes, compiling is set to Debug - and I can place breakpoints in other methods, such as DataModuleCreate, and that works OK - the app pauses at that point. So breakpoints in general are working. But when I place a breakpoint in DataModuleDestroy - and then Exit, the app simply closes without pausing at the breakpoint. The breakpoint marker gets a green tick when the app is run, which I think is an indication of a valid breakpoint. So my guess is the DataModuleDestroy procedure is not entered during Exit - so perhaps the associated OnDestroy event isn't occurring (speculation). I posted thinking I must have missed something obvious - and that may well be the case. I'll try setting up the same thing in a new empty project next, see whether I encounter the same behaviour again.
  11. Incus J

    TDataModule OnDestroy event never triggered?

    OK I'll try - the project file looks like this: program ProgramName; uses System.StartUpCopy, FMX.Forms, uiMain in 'Code\uiMain.pas' {MainForm}, … dm1 in 'Code\dm1.pas' {DataModule1: TDataModule}, …; {$R *.res} begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm); Application.CreateForm(TDataModule1, DataModule1); Application.Run; end. So a main form and the data module are created at startup. That's it really. I'm not manually freeing the data module - I think it is owned by the Application, so will be freed automatically when the Application is terminated (?) The data module itself has two event handlers assigned: OnCreate DataModuleCreate OnDestroy DataModuleDestroy The OnCreate (DataModuleCreate) is working OK. The code in DataModuleDestroy is shown in my initial post above. I can work around it by calling my CleanUp routine via the main form's OnClose event instead, but puzzled.
  12. I'm struggling to open a previously saved Data Module unit that is part of an FMX project. The module contains an FMX TActionList. When I attempt to open the project, the IDE automatically adds two extra VCL units onto the module's uses statement, like this: uses System.SysUtils, System.Actions, FMX.ActnList, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.StdActns, System.Classes, Vcl.StdActns, Vcl.ActnList; ...even though it's an FMX Action List. I don't know why it is adding those two VCL items - I can remove them manually from the uses statement, but they reappear. If I switch from Code to Design view, the IDE protests: "Error reading actionname.Text: Property Text does not exist" (with options to Ignore/Cancel/Ignore All). If I choose Ignore All, the Text property is stripped from all my existing actions, and replaced with an empty Caption property. It seems to be a bit confused - as though it is reading the FMX Actions and ActionList from the .dfm file, but then attempting to instantiate them as VCL Actions instead. I'm aware that there is a ClassGroup property for Data Module units, and wonder if this has not been saved? Note that everything was working OK prior to closing the project and then re-opening it. How might I resolve this, as the IDE seems to corrupt the unit every time I open it (though I can revert using History), and as a result the project no longer compiles?
  13. You're correct - I'd never have thought to sandwich the CLASSGROUP between implementation and uses: implementation {%CLASSGROUP 'FMX.Controls.TControl'} uses FMX.Dialogs; ...this works. Thank you! Seems strange, but do you think this is by design (working as intended) ?
  14. Oh - I can reproduce this issue in a clean empty project: - Create a new FMX project with a single main form. - Add a new datamodule unit to the project. - Next add a non-visual FMX TActionList to the datamodule, and also add a TAction for good measure. - Save the project, Close All, then reopen the project, and open the datamodule in the editor. No problems so far. Now in the data module .pas file, I add a single item to the implementation uses statement, like this: implementation uses FMX.Dialogs; {%CLASSGROUP 'FMX.Controls.TControl'} I've added FMX.Dialogs here, but it can be any unit. - Save, Close All, then reopen the project, and try to open the datamodule = Boom! As soon as the implementation section gets a uses statement, the {%CLASSGROUP} pseudo-property is no longer read by the IDE when opening the module (?). As a result the datamodule gets misinterpreted as VCL (?) Or maybe I'm just really tired. Can anyone confirm?
  15. OK the ClassGroup property does not seem to be stored in the .dfm file. There's something special about this property - documentation describes it as a pseudo-property. Instead the assigned value is stored as a declaration in the accompanying .pas file: {%CLASSGROUP 'FMX.Controls.TControl'} So I think the IDE should be able to determine from that declaration that the controls on the data module are FMX. But it's not doing. I must have overlooked something.
  16. Only this one project open. As a quick test I've also tried opening it up in an earlier version of Delphi (10.4.1) and got the same behaviour. The main application form seems OK. Just this one Data Module unit is getting misinterpreted as VCL. I'd like to try setting the unit's ClassGroup property (but without opening the unit, since by then it's too late). If I've understood how Data Module's work, ClassGroup determines whether the module supports FMX or VCL controls. Supported values are: System.Classes.TPersistent (Framework neutral), Vcl.Controls.TControl, FMX.Controls.TControl. I'm guessing I'd want the latter. There's no mention of a ClassGroup property in the text of the module's .dfm file at present (is that normal?) - but could I add it manually with a text editor somehow? I'd need to figure out where to insert it, and ensure I get the formatting correct though.
  17. I think I'm encountering an issue with Delphi 11 Code Insight. In the Structure pane I'm seeing a lot of F2063 errors, like this: F2063 Could not compile used unit 'some unit' at line x (x:y) The app compiles and runs fine. If I examine the source code, the declaration of the offending units in the uses statement are underlined in red, and Find Declaration fails. It's as though the IDE (Code Insight/Error Insight) simply can't locate the files in question to compile them, hence the errors, but the compiler itself has no problem. This seems to be happening to units that are stored on a path that contains a '+' (plus) character in folder name. The path is a valid Windows path, and these units have been in a folder named like this for years, and used in many Delphi projects. So I suspect a recent bug in the way Code Insight/Error Insight parses the paths of used units (?) If I simply rename folders to remove the (potentially) offending character, other existing projects that use these units will break, so I'd like to avoid that. Since I'm unsure, I thought I'd ask: Does anyone know whether the Delphi 11 IDE has an issue with certain characters in folder names?
  18. Incus J

    Delphi 11.1 - High DPI

    Der schöne Günther mentioned context. A couple of questions come to mind that might help in homing in on the issue: Did you run the Delphi 11 IDE in HiDPI mode while migrating the VCL project? (Is your own development environment HiDPI?) Which version of Windows is that computer running (e.g. 7, 8, 10, 11) ?
  19. Incus J

    macOS where to save downloaded executable?

    In macOS there is a folder: Users/(User Name)/Library/Application Support/(App Name)/ It seems to be a recognised spot for storing config, preferences, cache data, sqlite files. I don't know whether that's a good place for an addon executable, but might be worth a look if you don't want your folder to be too obviously user visible. There's a stack overflow post looking at this from a user config point of view: Where do OSX applications typically store user configuration data?
  20. Incus J

    Parallels on MacOS, Designer problems

    Yes - if Per-Monitor v1 is supported then that makes sense. But I think Delphi only supports Per-Monitor v2, which was introduced in the Windows 10 Creators Update (1703). Windows 7 failed to scale down my VCL app when I tested - but I haven't tested it in Windows 8.
  21. I've successfully reported the issue here: RSP-38478 : IDE mangles unit paths causing Code Insight, Error Insight and Find Declaration to fail A little tricky to report as the quality website also mangles my example paths - but differently (the paths looks OK in the editor prior to submission, but once submitted the report is displayed with some backslash characters removed from the paths).
  22. Incus J

    Parallels on MacOS, Designer problems

    For VCL, be aware that this High DPI setting in options can impact how your VCL application forms render when you run the app in older versions of Windows (e.g. Windows 7). I think older versions of Windows can not handle the change of DPI setting, since, for VCL, the IDE actually stores the scaled form and control values (left/top/width/height). Should be OK if your app is only intended for Windows 10 and up.
  23. Symbolic links using the /J option to create junctions (hard folder links) has solved it temporarily. IDE Error Insight is now able to find the units. Thank you for the work around.
  24. Thanks SwiftExpat - I'll have a go at your work around. I've never created a symbolic link before. I'm struggling to report the issue. I've logged in OK and got the report all typed up in the form, with steps to reproduce, but when I click Create, the form will not submit: You do not have permission to create issues in this project. The project defaulted to RAD Studio (RSP) which sounds correct, but the only options available to me in the dropdown menu are: Community Site (CMP) Interbase (IBP) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hmm... I could try selecting xxxxxxx?
  25. I might just have confirmed it. For a unit path like this: C:\Path\+Library\+Folder\unit.pas The IDE Find Declaration command reports: Cannot open file "C:\Path\ Library\ Folder\unit.pas" Notice that the IDE has mistakenly converted all the + characters in the path to spaces. As though it has accidentally fed the path through a URL decoding routine, which has mangled it. (In URLs, spaces are often encoded as + characters, but not in Windows file paths).