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Everything posted by Lainkes

  1. Lainkes

    check if string date

    Hello, I have a TEdit component. Now I need to check if the value is a date. (Date is not from user input, so I cannot use a dateTimePicker) I tried to use the TryStrToDate function but then I have an error. Error : [dcc32 Error] frm_xxx.pas(691): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'TryStrToDate' that can be called with these arguments. Is there a better solution to achieve this? Thanks Lainkes
  2. Lainkes

    check if string date

    This is my code. So I guess I miss an argument in my statement. if TryStrToDate(edtFrom.Text) then if TryStrToDate(edtFrom.Text) then
  3. Lainkes

    Disable Event

    Hello, I want to temporary disable an OnExit event on my TEdit component. And then enable it again. How can I do that? Many thanks Lainkes
  4. Lainkes

    Disable Event

    Thanks, this seems to work fine. Lainkes
  5. Lainkes

    Disable Event

    Maybe stupid question, but how do I reassign the original event? Lainkes
  6. Hello, On my form (Person) , I have a Listbox component that I fill with values from another table. I activated the multiselect option. How can I now save the selected records in my database, linked to the Person. When I open the Person form again, the selected records needs to be selected. Thanks Lainkes
  7. Lainkes

    Saving multiple listbox items to db

    I already managed to fill the Checkboxlist with items from my table. But now I'm wondering how I can write the selected items to a table and retrieve them when a person form is opened. Thanks
  8. Lainkes

    Saving multiple listbox items to db

    I found a component that is called TCheckListBox. I can fill this with values from my database. So that's works fine. Now I need to know how to save the selected data to my database, linked to the key of my Person table.
  9. Lainkes

    Save Timage picture as png

    Hello, I have a TImage that contains a picture. Now I want to save this as a PNG file. I found this code : var PNG: TPNGImage; ... // save image to file PNG := TPNGImage.Create; try PNG.Assign(imgPerson.Picture.Graphic); // ImgPerson is TImage component PNG.SaveToFile(image_path + file_name + '.PNG'); finally PNG.Free; end; When I open the png-file, I just see a grey square. Any idea what is going wrong? Thanks Lainkes
  10. Lainkes

    Write image to database

    I'm getting a type cast error. I guess it's the StmPhoto variable. I defined it as a TMemoryStream. Also defining it as TStream give the same error. Any idea what I'm missing?
  11. Lainkes

    Write image to database

    I'm using Delphi 10.2. I have some code to write the image to my database. // Save IMAGE to database AStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try imgPerson.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(AStream); AStream.Position := 0; (FieldByName('VIS_IMAGE') as TBlobField).LoadFromStream(AStream); finally AStream.Free; end; And when I look in the DB, I see a lot of Ascii characters. So I guess the image is stored in the blob field. But how can I read this and store again in a TImaage field? The fieldname is imgPerson. I have this code (found via Google). But the TImage component stays empty. // read image AStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try begin TBlobField(DM_EID_READER.FD_Visitor.FieldByName('VIS_IMAGE')).SaveToStream(AStream); AStream.Position := 0; imgPerson.Picture.LoadFromStream(AStream); end; finally AStream.Free; end; Thanks
  12. Lainkes

    Write image to database

    Hello, Yes, I tried DBImage and linked the correct field to it. But when starting the application I get an error "unformatted stream format". And I have no idea how to solve this.
  13. Hello, I have a example code that reads the Belgian E-ID card when it's inserted in the card reader. But I'm having trouble on how to understand this code. (I'm used to program database interfaces). The main issue is I don't understand what code is executed when a card is inserted. What triggers the code. I included the demo files. (More info : https://github.com/perevoznyk/swelio-delphi) Thanks for your feedback Greetings Lainkes EID Demo.zip
  14. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    Hello, I need to check the user credentials against an LDAP server (Novell eDIr). But I have no idea how to start. Can anyone help me out how to achieve this? Most articles are very old, or are for Microsoft AD. Thanks in advance. Lainkes
  15. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    I made it work. Thanks a lot for all your help.
  16. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    Can you explain this Attribs.Add(aAttrib); Is aAttrib the field that I need? In my case the language field?
  17. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    Thanks for your answer. I'm struggeling with RozdelLdap What is that function? Delphi does not recognise it.
  18. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    And how can I convert your solution to Delphi? What pas file do I need to use in my project?
  19. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    I used the solution of Vandrovnik. So there I don't know how to retrieve a value from a field.
  20. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    In the mean time I made it work. The connection seems to be ok. But the last step is to retrieve a field from the LDAP. How can I do that? I need the language of the person. Thanks in advance
  21. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    Thanks for the info. I downloaded the files. How can I add these now in Delphi to use in my project? Thanks for your feedback
  22. Lainkes

    LDAP connection

    This is for c++. How can I use this in Delphi? Can you get me in the right direction? This is new for me. Thanks