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Everything posted by PawelPepe

  1. PawelPepe

    Delphi CE 10.4.2 - Command Line Compilation

    Why? Community Edition is free!
  2. PawelPepe

    Delphi CE 10.4.2 - Command Line Compilation

    @rvk Thanks. I already checked it. I don't have compiler in such localization (and Delphi CE is 21.0 not 18.0). I also installed Delphi CE in virtual machine to test it (and it also can not compile via command line ๐Ÿ˜ž ) Ps: My dcc32.exe is 22.5 kb. Maybe somone of you - who CAN compile project using command line can send me compiler exe? -Pawel
  3. PawelPepe

    Delphi CE 10.4.2 - Command Line Compilation

    But I did that few years! How is that possible?
  4. I want to write some simple application (the app I've always dreamed of) that will show Football Chamionships (user can enter match results and app will show tables and some statistics). My problem is sorting groups in Chamionships Group Stage (Quatar 2022). As we know, there are 8 groups (A-H) with 4 Teams each. Lets focus on Group A. So, we have 4 teams: A1, A2, A3 and A4. ONLY 2 OF THEM CAN PLAY IN KNOCKOUT STAGE. How to know which one? Anyone of you solved such problem? FIFA says: The ranking of teams in the group stage is determined as follows: 1. Points obtained in all group matches; 2. Goal difference in all group matches; 3. Number of goals scored in all group matches; 4. Points obtained in the matches played between the teams in question; 5. Goal difference in the matches played between the teams in question; 6. Number of goals scored in the matches played between the teams in question; 7. Fair play points in all group matches (only one deduction can be applied to a player in a single match): - Yellow card: โˆ’1 point; - Indirect red card (second yellow card): โˆ’3 points; - Direct red card: โˆ’4 points; - Yellow card and direct red card: โˆ’5 points; 8. Drawing of lots. I need to cover 6 points (7 and 8 can be ignored for the moment). There are 6 matches in Group, each Team play with another from group. A1:A2 | A3:A4 A1:A3 | A4:A2 A4:A1 | A2:A3 I have no idea how to sort teams with FIFA guidelines. Have you got any idea? How to cover all conditions in one sort function? Could you maybe write for me some code to show how to do this? Ps: If this is to difficult/complex - how much many would it cost for you to write some simple solution for me? -Pawel
  5. Thank you all for your help and tips. This project will be continued in August. Thanks to help from my friend, I think I know how it can be done. Will see what happen. -Pawel
  6. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah.... (I meant I can offer so small (symbolic) money, that I can say - no budget). To be clear. -Pawel
  7. @David Heffernan@Lajos Juhรกsz @Stefan Glienke@Mike Torrettinni Thank you for your answers in my thread. Thank you for your tips. I was hoping for a little bit more... I will try to divide sort function to meet all FIFA points. It is my private amatour project, so there is no "budget". And nothing happen If I don't create it. Just for fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Best regards, -Pawel
  8. Yeah... data structure... Here is what I have now: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3as82hzrjc5wujv/Qatar2022.zip?dl=1 I can not name it data structure. There is a page that you can test Group A results... but sorting is a mess... I just don't know how to even start. -Pawel
  9. Yes, for sure... However, the problem is implementation. It is easy to sort by points... but then there are other rules. -Pawel