to compile JCL, firstly, You must change the project settings of the Delphi Version Package.
In my situation, I use the package project configuration for Delphi 10.4 Community Edition:
The installer only runs in GUI mode, and Community Edition of Rad Studio (Delphi 10.4)
does not support command line (Windows MS-DOS Console) installation.
But this issue should You be faced with a run of installer.bat
A incorrect compilation can be imaging, that the Delphi Compiler complain, that he can not
write the Jcl270.bpl in the public Emberarcado Studio 21.0 directory.
It is a little bit hand work needed, when You would like compile the JCL pacakges for all
platforms (win32, and win64) - (Debug, Release).
I did this, and I get a installable Jcl270.bpl file in my .\win32\Debug\bpl settings folder.
Here, I have only the German version of Delphi 10.4, so the following paragraph(s) can be
differ in the translation to English ... here comes my settings:
State for Windows 32-Bit Release:
Menu -> Project -> Options
Create -> Delphi Compiler:
- output folder for Units: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Release\dcu\
- output folder for DCP: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Release\dcp\
- output folder for Packages: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Release\bpl\
- search path: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Release\dcu;G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\source\include
Create -> Delphi Compiler -> Output C/C++ :
- C/C++ .bpi output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\bpi\
- C/C++ .hpp output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\hpp\
- C/C++ .obj output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\obj\
- Create C/C++ output: create only DCU files
State for Windows 32-Bit Debug
Menu -> Project -> Options
Create -> Delphi Compiler:
- output folder for Units: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Debug\dcu\
- output folder for DCP: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Debug\dcp\
- output folder for Packages: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Debug\bpl\
- search path: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Debug\dcu;G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\source\include
Create -> Delphi Compiler -> Output C/C++ :
- C/C++ .bpi output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Debug\bpi\
- C/C++ .hpp output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Debug\hpp\
- C/C++ .obj output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win32\Debug\obj\
- Create C/C++ output: create only DCU files
State for Windows 64-Bit Release:
Menu -> Project -> Options
Create -> Delphi Compiler:
- output folder for Units: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\dcu\
- output folder for DCP: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\dcp\
- output folder for Packages: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\bpl\
- search path: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\dcu;G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\source\include
Create -> Delphi Compiler -> Output C/C++ :
- C/C++ .bpi output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\bpi\
- C/C++ .hpp output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\hpp\
- C/C++ .obj output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Release\obj\
- Create C/C++ output: create only DCU files
State for Windows 64-Bit Debug
Menu -> Project -> Options
Create -> Delphi Compiler:
- output folder for Units: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Debug\dcu\
- output folder for DCP: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Debug\dcp\
- output folder for Packages: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Debug\bpl\
- search path: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Debug\dcu;G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\source\include
Create -> Delphi Compiler -> Output C/C++ :
- C/C++ .bpi output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Debug\bpi\
- C/C++ .hpp output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Debug\hpp\
- C/C++ .obj output folder: G:\Delphi\jcl\jcl\lib\d27\win64\Debug\obj\
- Create C/C++ output: create only DCU files
I hope this help You, to make the right decision.
Thank You for reading,