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Everything posted by PizzaProgram

  1. Never mind, found the answer at Release mode : 9. Fixed bug in V8.65 where FloattoStr could create Json with comma decimal point instead of a period with some languages.
  2. Thanks for the Fix ! 🙂 So the latest 8.70 is good to go? Always "." as decimal point ? Win10 introduced this crazy new "short" date format: "yyyy. mm. dd." (with spaces) instead of leaving the "yyyy.mm.dd", which worked fine for 30+ years from Win3.1 up to Win8.1 . We programmers hate that too. None of the old programs work on Win10 + 11 any more, freezing at start by trying to load a simple date and creating unhandled AV errors. IT guys normally go to Win10 settings >> and manually set it back to yyyy.mm.dd (without spaces). But Win11 does not have that "custom date" setting any more. Microsoft did not fix it's own DLL to be able to convert both back.
  3. Normally I would agree. But 1. I just tried to modify the ICS code under Delphi 7 and got this error: [Error] OverbyteIcsSuperObject.pas(205): Order of fields in record constant differs from declaration 2. important settings getting lost, like: CurrencyString ! So IMHO this approach (loading the defaults ) is better: GetLocaleFormatSettings(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, icsFormatSetting); because it will use a local-default, (by reading every necessary sting for the format-record), but the user may override it during usage: icsFormatSentting.DecimalSeparator:= '.'; Although there is a big problem about multithreading, so using a simple "global var" isn't a good solution either. All SuperObjects should have a global thread-safe variable of this. As for a quick solution it would be also enough to insert some new functions, like: PutD_iso , PutDT_iso, etc procedure TSuperObject.PutD_iso(const path: SOString; Value: Double);
  4. PizzaProgram

    ICS V8.69 announced

    Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. Can you please explain it more detailed? - What is " JSON visual parser "? - How and why should I make it "faster"? - What "backwards button" ? I'm was talking about examples, and how to make it easier to understand for newbies, like me.
  5. PizzaProgram

    ICS V8.69 announced

    IMHO the OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst2.pas should be renamed to something like: OverbyteIcsParseJSON.pas We are new to ICS and it was hard to find an iSuperObj. parse example with this "camouflaged" name 😊
  6. PizzaProgram

    ICS V8.69 announced

    Great Work! Thanks :-) inside unit OverbyteIcsHttpsTst1; found this 114. line: May 19, 2023 V8.69 Support OCSP ... It's next year version ;-)