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Thomas Lassen

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  1. Thomas Lassen

    Importing Excel2016 Type library into Delphi

    @ByteJuggler I recdently decided that I wanted to try out for some better integration with Excel in our Delphi-application, and I came across this thread. So far I've managed to generate dcr and pas files. I've not really worked with COM in Delphi, so I am going to ask if you have a working example that I could peek at, to get me going?
  2. Thomas Lassen

    Delphi 11.1: DFM file completely rewritten after update

    Not working on a high DPI monitor.
  3. I am in the process of updating from 10.3.2 to 11.1, I have run into a major problem that I have not been able to solve: Upon updating to the 11.1 my GUI is complete destroyed, fx font sizes and widths of all my labels have changed. The same problem applies to all the control on my main form. Other forms that are a part of the project seem to be unaffected. Has anyone experienced a similar problem?
  4. Thomas Lassen

    Delphi 11.1: Missing bpl files after installation

    Indeed. Manually cleaning registry solved the problem. Kinda annoying tbh.
  5. Thomas Lassen

    Delphi 11.1: Missing bpl files after installation

    I installed with the C++ Builder, then un-installed as I do not have a license, the re-installed just Delphi 11.1
  6. After installing Delphi 11.1 I get the following error message upon starting RAD Studio 11: "... Can't load package <path-to-package>\bcbcompro280.bpl ..." Has anyone experience anything similar, and how do I solve the problem? I am running on Windows 10. See attached image: