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Posts posted by GunSmoker

  1. We have seen a similar issue.


    The app was using THTTPRio, and it raised an error during HTTP post operation (12175 = ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_FAILURE), but not on all machines. The investigation indicated that:

    1. The WinHttpSendRequest function spawns background worker threads that calls into Crypt32.dll. 

    2. The internal functions of Crypt32.dll raise Access Violation exception for an unknown reason.

    3. The AV exception is returned as 12175/ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_FAILURE from the WinHttpSendRequest function.


    In our case the "reason" for Access Violation was the loaded DbgHelp.dll from Windows SDK (not the one from \Windows folder).


    DLLs were exactly the same in all cases (all PCs), so something else is causing it to fail. Registry settings, may be?

  2. Modern IDE already have exception tracing build in. Typically you should see a crash dialog from IDE asking you to submit a bug report. The fact that you don't see such dialog suggest that this is not an unhandled exception. E.g. the message comes from a code similar to this:

      on E: Exception do


    You can use EurekaLog to troubleshoot this. Go to EurekaLog's IDE options ( https://www.eurekalog.com/help/eurekalog/ide_options.php ) and check the "Catch all IDE exceptions" option (disabled by default). Next, run you IDE with the --el_debug command line switch ( https://www.eurekalog.com/help/eurekalog/fix_runtime_issues.php ). Let it crash and close it immediately.

    If there would be an EurekaLog exception dialog - that's nice, you can use it. If not - look for a .csl file in %APPDATA% folder (Start / EurekaLog / Bug reports folder) or in \bin folder of your IDE (if it is writable). Open file with a free CodeSite Viewer tool. Scroll down until you see an exception.
