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Posts posted by danielKishlakov

  1. Hi) I need to statically link an existing Delphi app that uses Indy for networking with OpenSSL 1.0.2u.

    From the Indy code itself and some online resources I can see that Indy is capable of somehow statically linking with OpenSSL.

    But given Delphi can't link .lib files I try to figure out how do I build OpenSSL in a single object file so I can link it to the project.

    By now I've managed to compile it into a single obj by #including all the relevant source files into a single file.

    I made it compile by ifdefing certain structs in the code, got rid of macro redefinition warnings, solved the case insensitive linking issues and finally linked it to the project.

    But now I keep getting very weird errors, like e.g. call to CRYPTO_free yields access violation error and such.

    So obviously what I'm doing is more of a hack and it's probably wrong.

    I know that there has to be a way of doing it properly, could someone please direct me to the way it's supposed to be done.


    System: Windows 10 x64, RAD Studio Tokyo 10.2, I compile OpenSSL with MSVC for x64
