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Everything posted by ZRomik

  1. ZRomik

    REST Authorization

    I found error in code. Mistake in token URL. Thanks to all!
  2. Hello! I need to send post request on some site. And when I try to execute request I get an error: "SSL requires a context object". How I can resolve this issuue?
  3. ZRomik

    Error when post request

    OK. I'm watched in "OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst" and try to reproduce these code. But always get message: "Failed to Generate App Token App Authorization Code: blah-blah-blah". Where I can see what I'm doing wrong? My code: const sAuthURL = 'https://login.eveonline.com/v2/oauth/authorize/'; sRedirectURI = 'http://localhost:5561/'; sSecretKey = '...'; sTokenURL = 'https://login.eveonline.com/oauth/token'; sClientID = '...'; sScopeList = 'esi-location.read_location.v1'; sLocalAddr = ''; sLocalPort = '5561'; sTokenURL = 'https://login.eveonline.com/oauth/token'; procedure TForm1.imgLoginClick(Sender: TObject); var url: string; sb: TStringBuilder; code: string; begin mem1.Lines.Clear; SetupOAuth; if rest.StartAuthorization then begin mem1.Lines.Add('Waiting for authorization token...'); end else begin mem1.Lines.Add('Error while get authorization token: ' + rest.LastError); end; end; procedure TForm1.SetupOAuth; begin rest.DebugLevel := DebugSsl; rest.ProtoType := OAuthv2; rest.AuthType := OAuthTypeWeb; rest.AppUrl := sAuthURL; rest.ClientId := Trim(sClientID); rest.RedirectUrl := Trim(sRedirectURI); rest.ClientSecret := Trim(sSecretKey); rest.RedirectUrl := Trim(sRedirectURI); rest.Scope := sScopeList; rest.OAOptions := []; rest.RefreshAuto := True; rest.WebSrvIP := sLocalAddr; rest.WebSrvPort := sLocalPort; rest.TokenUrl := sTokenURL; end; When I Set this parameters in demo all ok, but not work in my app
  4. ZRomik

    Error when post request

    So. I trying to use TSslHttpCli instead of THttpCli, but nothing happing. Error still encounter when I post request to server.