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Everything posted by KoRiF

  1. KoRiF

    Python/Delphi synchronization

    As I said before, this is solution for me: TPythonGUIInputOutput.DelayWrites = True Thank you for your help
  2. KoRiF

    Python/Delphi synchronization

    I tried to set TPythonGUIInputOutput.DelayWrites = True I don't know what does it means but seems this resolve my issue (GUI output is working) Maybe someone could clear this option, please? P.S. I find related topic, usage of TPythonThread should be a solution but it still not prints in GUI output when DelayWrites = False, maybe I miss something there...
  3. KoRiF


    the first thing that comes to mind is that some configuration settings are "lost" due to the fact that the current directory may be different (or some logic related to this is broken) also check this: https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/gpu you can do some diagnostic this way
  4. KoRiF

    Unable to install P4D

    so far, what is your error message(s)?
  5. KoRiF

    Returning lists from Python to Delphi

    Note, Python arrays support Buffer Protocol https://docs.python.org/3/library/array.html#array.array.buffer_info this is a workaround, but you could use, say, SharedMemory to work directly with the binary representation on the Python data on the Delphi side
  6. KoRiF

    Unable to install P4D

    Try to add P4D sources in your IDE or Project's Search path (it's pretty hard to help you without knowing specific errors, but this is the most likely solution from my personal experience)
  7. KoRiF

    Jupyter Notebook with P4D

    As far as I understand your question, your problem lies in the plane of using the command line You can do this in many ways: for example, by running a command line script directly from Object Pascal although it is possible, in order to interact with the Jupyter Notebook API later on it will be more convenient for you to use a python script via Py4D components to interact with the command line a-la: var cmdlines := TStringList.Create(); cmdlines.Add('import subprocess'); cmdlines.Add('result = subprocess.run(["jupyter", "notebook", "list"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)'); cmdlines.Add('print(result.stdout)'); PythonEngine.ExecString(cmdlines.Text); (this sample shows usage of usage of subprocess module for command line call - prints the list of running Jupyter Notebooks e.g. ''jupyter notebook list" output) Hope this can be helpful