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Scott Slater

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. Scott Slater

    Issue with TDialogService.InputQuery fmx for IOS

    I followed the temp fix provided in the QP entry and it has solved it for me for now. Just make a copy of the FMX.Dialogs.iOS.pas into your project folder and add edit it according to the QP. Recompile and it should work as expected. Once the next update to Delphi is released that includes the fix, simply delete the FMX.Dialogs.iOS.pas from your project folder and recompile.
  2. Scott Slater

    Issue with TDialogService.InputQuery fmx for IOS

    This has already been fixed according to QP. In the comments, there is a provided temporary fix until an update comes out. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-37702
  3. Scott Slater

    Issue with TDialogService.InputQuery fmx for IOS

    I can confirm this behavior in Delphi 11.1. Try the following code in iOS. TDialogService.InputQuery('Enter some value', [''], [''], procedure(const AResult: TModalResult; const AValues: array of string) begin case AResult of mrCancel: ShowMessage('Cancel'); mrOK: ShowMessage('OK'); end; end); If you press OK you will get "Cancel". If you press Cancel you will get "OK". If you press Return on the keyboard you will get "OK". The combination of nonsensical return values from the dialog make using it practically impossible.