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Is there any way to Filter TMS HTMListBox Items like TMS AdvListBox
Thanks for reply
I am not now talking about now TMS Component , I am talking about general ListBox Component
How to Solve if any of the ListBox Items does not contain even first char of EditBox , ListBox items should not get clear , ListBox items must remain as it is because search criteria does not match any of the ListBox item. Sorry for my bad English
Thanks but There is still issue If we enter any unmatched letter in Editbox lisbox items gets cleared whereas if not matched listbox should not get clear Example ListBox Items Dog Rat Cat and If in EditBox I Enter z or x , listbox gets cleared , how to solve this
Here I have tried the filter method with listbox and so far it works well procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); Begin list_global := TStringList.Create; list_global.Assign(listBox1.Items); End; procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); Var list_filter: TStringList; i: Integer; Begin list_filter := TStringList.Create; list_filter.Assign(listBox1.Items); listBox1.Clear; for i := 0 to list_filter.Count - 1 do if pos(Edit1.text, list_filter[i]) > 0 then listBox1.Items.Add(list_filter[i]); End; How can I switch off the filter so that I can get back the items in listbox incase serach is not matched or clearing EditBox listBox1.Items := list_global;
May be my request is not properly explained Is there any way to Search/Filter TMS HTMListBox Items with EditBox like TMS AdvListBox
I have a string like This is (string) which need to (remove) How can I delete strings (string) and (remove) so that result should be This is which need to
Yes right need to remove strings in brackets including brackets
Thanks a lot for reply I have Memo line in which there are such strings which are not specific otherwise I can use StringReplace method ,strings are in brackets () and I want to delete those strings which are with brackets suppose This is (string) which need to (remove) Need to delete (string and (remove) from the above
This is basic and you have tried to replace the string you already know. String can be anything in brackets and need to delete the string including brackets .. all the string occurrences in line which is with bracket need to delet
Hi Is there any way to detect the Windows 11 in Delphi like the way OS := TOSVersion.ToString ;
but on my system TOSVersion.ToString returns Windows 10
Hello I am trying to check file existence in both directories c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\syswow64 I tried to use Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection true and false method, when I do not use Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection method I get c:\windows\syswow64 but when I use Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(False); I get c:\windows\system32 but issue is when I use Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(True); I do not get c:\windows\syswow64 I am actually trying On Disable, c:\windows\system32 On Enable, c:\windows\syswow64
Is there any possibility to check if the exe is executed by clicking on its own icon or by external exe Suppose Exe-1 and Exe-2 Need to check Exe-1 is whether executed by clicking on its own icon or executed by external Exe-2
How to implement these methods
No I don't have control over Exe-2, Exe-1 must not run if it is not executed by its own
I am using Delphi 10.2 Is it possible to search Directories and Sub-Directories by File Name instead File Mask like mytext.txt instead of *.txt So far I tried the following function but it does not work by filename it works with file extension another issue with this function is that it does not list the complete searched files from Windows\system32\drivers\ procedure FindFilePattern(root:String;pattern:String); var SR:TSearchRec; begin root:=IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(root); if FindFirst(root+'*',faAnyFile,SR) = 0 then begin repeat Application.ProcessMessages; if ((SR.Attr and faDirectory) = SR.Attr ) and (pos('.',SR.Name)=0) then FindFilePattern(root+SR.Name,pattern) else begin if pos(pattern,SR.Name)>0 then Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(Root+SR.Name); end; until FindNext(SR)<>0; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin FindFilePattern('C:\','.sys'); end;
Sorry but completely not working on Windows 7 32/64 bit
I am trying to find find Strings in TstringList I used almost all method but nothing working In StringList I have some some.pds other other.cff -- I am trying to find some.pds ad other.cff .. Result is True but If in Stringlist some other -- and still I am trying to find some.pds ad other.cff .. but still Result is True whereas it should return false How can I find Specific string in Tstringlist
@programmerdelphi2k LFind := ['micro.pds', 'other.cff', 'world.exe']; LWhereIsIt.AddStrings(['hello.tt', 'other.cff', 'world.exe', 'delphi.dp', 'some.pds']); In this case it doesn't work
I am creating a Form1 and freeing it after some time Now I am trying to check if Form1 is created then create Form2 If Assigned(Form1) then Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2); But It does not seems to work any suggestion