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Found 1 result

  1. Beantreeze

    Using FireDAC with Access accdb file

    Hello - I recently upgraded to Delphi 12 & Windows 11 upon receiving a new laptop at work. I have some older applications that use Access databases, all with the ".accdb" file extension (most current Access format). The applications are essentially deprecated, as we have new software to manage the data. However, in the meantime, I need to maintain these older applications and their data. With my previous laptop and Delphi 11, I had no trouble using a FireDAC Connection to connect to my Access ".accdb" databases, once I installed the Access Database Engine. However, no such luck with my new laptop. Due to changes in the location of the databases (renaming of server and moving to new domain), I need to recompile these applications. The issue appears to be only due to the version of the database file, as I can convert the .accdb file to an .mdb file and open the .mdb file successfully with FireDAC whether it's on the server or on my local drive. However, I cannot open the .accdb file either place. I get this error: (I will avoid converting all my databases to .mdb, leaving that as a last resort). I'm wondering if it might have to do with 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Office/Access. I thought I had been using 64-bit Office on my former laptop, and I know I'm using 64-bit on my new one. Any suggestions? TIA Teri