In unit Soap.SOAPLinked.pas there are:
1. TLinkedWebNode
2. TLogLinkedWebNode = class(TLinkedWebNode)
3. TLinkedRIO = class(TRIO)
in TLinkedRIO, it has two constructor:
one is for: FLinkedWebNode := TLinkedWebNode.Create(nil);
and another is for: FLinkedWebNode := TLogLinkedWebNode.Create(nil);
My question is:
if I want to create a new TLinkedWebNode like TLogLinkedWebNode, Just named it TMyWebNode, I must let TLinkedRIO has a new constructor that lets it create FLinkedWebNode as my new TMyWebNode.
but, I can not modify Soap.SOAPLinked.pas because it is source code in Delphi. I will create a new pas file and inherit TLinkedRIO like TMyRIO = class(TLinkedRIO) and add a new constructor in it.
but, the new TMyRIO in a new pas unit, I can not access FLinkedWebNode like FLinkedWebNode := TMyWebNode.Create(nil);
So, is there any way to do that? or this is a design issue in Soap.SOAPLinked.pas and I must modify it?