I'm trying to compile a 3rd party library, called Poco (https://github.com/pocoproject/poco), using C++ builder 11 Update 3.
I have followed the steps here: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Using_CMake_with_C%2B%2B_Builder .
Main thing from the documentation is to move the file "Windows-Embarcadero.cmake" file, that is shipped with C++ builder, to CMake's Modules/Platform folder, and overwrite the Windows-Embarcadero.cmake file that is shipped with CMake.
Doing that, selecting Ninja as the generator, I get cmake errors:
Anyone knowing how to get past this? I'm using CMake 3.29
In addition, from the Embarcadero/CMake documentation:
I have a hard time understanding what that means? Anyone knows what todo here?
Looking forward to use bcc64 with 3rd party libraries!