I would like to ask you guys for some help... I am using now Delphi Community Edition 11.3 with VCL Styles.
I downloaded from GetIt Package Manager nice Windows 11 Dark Style (Windows11_Modern_Dark.vsf).
I am trying to modify this to my taste... There are few problems...
The question is:
Why TLabel text (with font color = clWindowText) is painted with White color? I changed this color in Style file(*.vsf) into red (using Bitmap Style Designer) (see the image).
I know, I can disable styles for control (by removing seFont -> ExampleLabel.StyleElements := [seClient,seBorder] ) but I want to make it global, for all Tlabels controls (or any other using clWindowText).
Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong? How to change controls text in vcl style?
The style I am talking about uses White (#FFFFFF) color for text (I think it is to bright for Dark Mode, it should be something like #E7E9EA, for example)
Hope, you can help.
Thanks in advance.