Greetings from St Louis, Missouri USA
I'm using and learning C++ Builder 11 professional. I want to make a windows app that displays telemetry data from a zigbee gateway on the local internal subnet. It sends periodic telemetry base64 data via (I'm guessing...) jason/ajax. The zigbee gateway has a web page "http://" + ip + "/debug.html" that displayes the zigbeeData in a scrolling window. That scrolling windows is the only data that I want to to capture.
I'm wondering if there are a few drop in components I can use to setup / collect json/ajax pairs from a web server on the local subnet ?
What is the easiest way to setup a pipe to collect this (presumably JSON) zigbeeData ?
What Rad Studio components should I look for ?
I know how to process the base64 data. I wrote the embedded zigbee code which does that part. This "zigbee gateway" I have all the source code for it. Its a microchip ethernet gateway with a mini TCP stack. Its handing it off to a mini web server that I did not write. Attached is ajax.xml, debug.html (what I did not write) and a picture of a web browser displaying the base64 strings in a scrolling window. I just need help with how to use C++ Builder 11 professional to it collect it from "http://" + ip + "/debug.html"
I'm a C/C++ software engineer with many years experience doing low level C/C++ programing. I've been using Borland,Inprise,Radstudio C++ for high level programming and then lots of embedded compilers for embdedded apps. I'm very familar with TCP and berkley sockets. I don't know much about Web gets, puts, json or java. I presume some sort of layer uses a TCP port to send/receive packets. I know how to find the local IP address of the gateway using Dns GetHostName API. I presume the IP will be "pluged" in to something. Hopefully a RAD Studio component that I drop on a form, define the json fields/pairs and then set the ip address. Do you have any suggestions, tips recommendations ?
Best regards