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🚀 New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) released 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. This update introduces a new grid view: StacksGridView, where columns from a each row are stacked into groups: Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
I use the FMX TGrid control but I really miss some of the DevExpress TcxGrid behaviours yet I would like to go cheap this time and use OSS one. I am in search for a grid with: * Multi-column sorting * Ability to show/hide columns from UI * Filter Control (which shows a hyeretical tree control in a new form allowing picking columns, oeprators and operands) ala the DevExpress one * Bookmarks/Goto to Bookmark * Footer * In-place eidt for numeric and text * Display of custom drawn cell with images in cells * reoder columns with drag and drop * resize columns from ui * freezed column * Inplace seearch (go to the next found row with substring martch while typing) * grouping is optional I am aware of: * * * But I am in search for a free control
offer Halloween 35% discount for NextGrid, NextDBGrid, ObjectInspector etc.
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excelent opportunity to get 35% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use HALLOWEEN24 coupon code on the checkout page to get 40% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: -- BergSoft Facebook page -
sale 40% Summer sale on NextGrid, DBGrid, Inspector ends soon!
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excelent opportunity to get 40% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use SUMMER24 coupon code on the checkout page to get 40% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: -- BergSoft Facebook page -
Specs: Delphi XE7, VCL, Windows 7 - DBGrid and added a checkbox column to it I've searched around the web for ideas and howtos. Well, I came across a few resources and met with some success. I've even added/included an additional feature to allow user (that's me) to add edit checkbox via keyboard space. It works. I copy/pasted the code from the second link, then I added the code to allow checkbox column updates via the keyboard space (spacebar) from the first link, and ported to the code from the second link. I hope that made sense. <-- My first "codesnippet" contribution to the community !! However, there appears to be one small problem. The checkbox column is showing the text: True or False, whichever is set to., and you can see the outline of the column box when that field is entered into. Complete source code is included below. Just add a (dbgrid, button, tfdmemtable, and datasource) to your forum, and be sure to double-click the event(s) for each of these Procedures in order to activate them. You can click the ch field or hit the spacebar to update the checkbox field. Is there any way I can resolve this artifact? unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Option, FireDAC.Stan.Error, FireDAC.UI.Intf, FireDAC.Phys.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Def, FireDAC.Stan.Pool, FireDAC.Stan.Async, FireDAC.Phys, FireDAC.Phys.SQLite, FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteDef, FireDAC.Stan.ExprFuncs, Data.DB, FireDAC.Comp.Client, Vcl.Grids, Vcl.DBGrids, FireDAC.Stan.Param, FireDAC.DatS, FireDAC.DApt.Intf, FireDAC.DApt, FireDAC.Comp.DataSet, FireDAC.VCLUI.Wait, FireDAC.Comp.UI; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; Button1: TButton; eb1: TEdit; conn: TFDConnection; btnInsert: TButton; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; ds: TDataSource; mytable: TFDMemTable; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnInsertClick(Sender: TObject); procedure dbgrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn); procedure DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); procedure DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure DBGrid1ColExit(Sender: TObject); procedure DBGrid1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure DBGrid1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private { Private declarations } GridOriginalOptions : TDBGridOptions; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btnInsertClick(Sender: TObject); begin myTable.FieldDefs.Clear; mytable.FieldDefs.Add('ch', ftBoolean, 0,false); // the checkbox 'ch' a boolean myTable.FieldDefs.Add('id', ftAutoInc, 0,False); myTable.FieldDefs.Add('name',ftString, 20,False); myTable.CreateDataSet; myTable.Append; myTable.FieldByName('name').AsString := 'delphi'; myTable.Post; mytable.Open; end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); const CtrlState: array[Boolean] of integer = (DFCS_BUTTONCHECK, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or DFCS_CHECKED) ; begin if (Column.Field.DataType=ftBoolean) then begin DBGrid1.Canvas.FillRect(Rect) ; if (VarIsNull(Column.Field.Value)) then DrawFrameControl(DBGrid1.Canvas.Handle,Rect, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or DFCS_INACTIVE) else DrawFrameControl(DBGrid1.Canvas.Handle,Rect, DFC_BUTTON, CtrlState[Column.Field.AsBoolean]); end; end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject); begin if Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean then begin Self.GridOriginalOptions := Self.DBGrid1.Options; Self.DBGrid1.Options := Self.DBGrid1.Options - [dgEditing]; end; end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if ((Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean) and (key = VK_SPACE)) then begin Self.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Edit; Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.Value:= not Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.AsBoolean; Self.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Post; end; end; // this portion of code snippet is my contribution to the community. I did not see this code anywhere. it does work. procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if (key = ' ') then begin self.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Edit; self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.Value := not self.DBGrid1.Fields[0].AsBoolean; self.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Post; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin GridOriginalOptions := DBGrid1.Options end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColExit(Sender: TObject); begin if Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean then Self.DBGrid1.Options := Self.GridOriginalOptions; end; procedure TForm1.dbgrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn); begin if (Column.Field.DataType=ftBoolean) then begin Column.Grid.DataSource.DataSet.Edit; Column.Field.Value:= not Column.Field.AsBoolean; Column.Grid.DataSource.DataSet.Post; end; end; end.
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- delphi xe7
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ann 40% discount on Grid, DBGrid, ObjectInspector and more 🏖
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excelent opportunity to get 40% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use SUMMER24 coupon code on the checkout page to get 45% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: -- BergSoft Facebook page -
ann New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) released 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. This update introduces a new grid view: StacksGridView, where columns from a each row are stacked into groups: Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
ann New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) released 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
ann 25% Easter 🐣 discount on all NextSuite6 VCL components
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excellent opportunity to get 25% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use EASTER coupon code on the checkout page to get 25% off. Important: The offer is valid until the end of the month. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: -- BergSoft Facebook page -
ANN: New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) released 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. This update introduces a new grid view: StacksGridView, where columns from a each row are stacked into groups: Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
discount ANN: 35% Halloween discount on NextGrid, NextDBGrid, NextInspector 🎃
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excellent opportunity to get 35% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use HALLOWEEN coupon code on the checkout page to get 35% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: -- BergSoft Facebook page -
releae ANN: New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. New changes The update introduces our NextLayout6 component: NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
ANN: New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. This update introduces a new column type - grid column. NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
discount ANN: Summer Sale - 40% discount on NextGrid, NextDBGrid, NextInspector
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excellent opportunity to get 40% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use SUMMER2023 coupon code on the checkout page to get 40% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: -- BergSoft Facebook page -
ANN: New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
ANN: New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) 🚀 + 35% discount
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. This update introduces a range selection type to all grid view types: At the moment we are offering 35% Easter discount. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
discount ANN: Holidays Sale - 35% discount on NextGrid, NextDBGrid, NextInspector
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excellent opportunity to get 35% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use CHRISTMAS coupon code on the checkout page to get 35% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: -- BergSoft Facebook page -
ANN: New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) released 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. 50% Summer discount is still available. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
ANN: Summer Sale - 50% discount on NextGrid, NextDBGrid, NextInspector
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excellent opportunity to get 50% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use SUMMER50OFF coupon code on the checkout page to get 35% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
ANN: Spring Sale - 35% discount on NextGrid, NextDBGrid, NextInspector
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering an excellent opportunity to get 35% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use SPRINGSALE coupon code on the checkout page to get 35% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
ANN: New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) released 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. This upgrade brings new column type - Chart column. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
ANN: New version of NextSuite6 (Grid, DBGrid, Inspector...) released 🚀
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too. -
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that we are offering 35% discount on our products. Just use HOLIDAYS21 coupon code on the checkout page to get 35% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too.
Dear visitors, We like to inform you that new version of NextSuite6 is released. Click here to read the release news. This week we are offering excellent opportunity to get 50% off on our components. Just use BLACKFRIDAY coupon code on the checkout page to get 50% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too.
- black friday
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(and 2 more)
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ANN: Halloween 35% discount on NextGrid, NextDBGrid, NextInspector
Bergsoft posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear visitors, We are offering excellent opportunity to get 35% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use HALLOWEEN coupon code on the checkout page to get 35% off. Click here for Online Store and Prices . NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code. and many more. Few screenshots: Download big demo project from: Best regards Boki (BergSoft) | LinkedIn Profile -- BergSoft Home Page: Members Section: Articles and Tutorials: (Developers Network) -- BergSoft Facebook page -- Send us applications made with our components and we will submit them in news article. Link to this page will be also set on home page too.