I'm building a front-end gui to a dos console app. And I am utilizing the TIniFile to read/write to a settings.ini file.
I need help with ideas of typical methods or algorithms for creating a rolling or recent folder location list, of say, the last 5 folder locations for a 'dos console app' that I call. The location can be the hdd, flash drive, or another laptop/tablet. The folder locations will be obtained through the FileOpenDialog, so flash drives, mem sticks, etc., could change in a given scenario.
I currently have a small settings.ini file that holds just a few things at the moment, thus..
[app settings:]
app path=H:\D11\VCL\Misc\enc_gui\v01\Win32\Debug\
last video src path:=J:\Tools\portable\
last video dst path:=F:\dst\
But I would like to add a recent list of last folder locations for this ini file for where the 'dos console app' will be pickd and stored so that I can extract that from the ini file and load it into a listbox and have a quick pick-list to choose from when I move from one device or folder location. I sometimes jump from my laptop to my tablet, or throw in a flash/mem drive, and having this quick picklist would work well in my work-flow. TIA.