Specs: XE7, VCL, Win7
I have a Panel with a TabControl in it and a Memo inside the first TabSheet on a Form that was all created and configured during design time. And, on the Form in another Panel, I have a [Add] button to dynamically create a new TabSheet and Memo.
The main Memo is the default with all the settings that I would like the dynamically created Memos to have. But setting up all the necessary properties would be tedious and if I change something in the main Memo at design-time, I may not remember to update that to the dynamic ones.
Form1: TForm1;
idx: integer=0; // index numb, for adding new tabs to the pagecontrol.
procedure TForm1.btnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
TabSheet: TTabSheet;
memo: TMemo;
TabSheet := TTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
TabSheet.Caption := 'Untitled-'+idx.ToString;
TabSheet.PageControl := PageControl1;
memo := tmemo.Create(pagecontrol1);
// settings section
memo.Color := $0017110D;
memo.Align := alClient;
// end of settings section
memo.Parent := tabsheet;
note: I have a lot more properties than what is posted above.
Is there a better way to copy all the properties of the main Memo to the dynamically created ones and how can I do this?