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Found 1 result

  1. Hi, I tried to install the MidWare in Delphi 11.1 1. I have already installed ICS for FMX and VCL 8.68 using GetIt package manager. 2. MidWare, I used MidwareD103InstallVcl.groupproj to do it. a) in OverbyteMwD103Run.bpl I have updated: + requires to: IcsCommonD110Run, and IcsVclD110Run. + in file OverbyteApsCli.pas uses from IcsSSLEAY to OverbyteIcsSSLEAY, and IcsLIBEAY to OverbyteIcsLIBEAY + in file OverbyteApServer.pas uses from IcsSSLEAY to OverbyteIcsSSLEAY, and IcsLIBEAY to OverbyteIcsLIBEAY + in file OverbyteApsCli.pas and included inc files are missing, ApsCliIntfSsl.inc and ApsCliImplSsl.inc -> created empy files + in file OverbyteApServer.pas and included inc files are missing, ApServerIntfSsl.inc and ApServerImplSsl.inc -> created empy files it now compiles OK b) in OverbyteMwD103Design.bpl + this file is missing OverbyteSObjThrd.pas. and I can not overcome this missing file. (or missing inc files, probably there is some good functionality there) Does anyone can share missing files with me? Regards Konrad