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The app I'm working on has different "screens", which are each essentially large bitmaps. When closing a screen to go to the next one, the following code provides a fade-to-black transition effect: procedure TGameBaseScreen.FadeOut; var Steps: Cardinal; i: Integer; P: PColor32; StartTickCount: Cardinal; IterationDiff: Integer; RGBDiff: Integer; const TOTAL_STEPS = 32; STEP_DELAY = 12; begin Steps := 0; StartTickCount := GetTickCount; while Steps < TOTAL_STEPS do begin IterationDiff := ((GetTickCount - StartTickCount) div STEP_DELAY) - Steps; if IterationDiff = 0 then Continue; RGBDiff := IterationDiff * 8; with ScreenImg.Bitmap do begin P := PixelPtr[0, 0]; for i := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do begin with TColor32Entry(P^) do begin if R > RGBDiff then Dec(R, RGBDiff) else R := 0; if G > RGBDiff then Dec(G, RGBDiff) else G := 0; if B > RGBDiff then Dec(B, RGBDiff) else B := 0; end; Inc(P); end; end; Inc(Steps, IterationDiff); ScreenImg.Bitmap.Changed; Changed; Update; end; end; Is there any way this same code can be modified to create a new FadeIn; procedure which allows the screen images to fade-in-from-black? I'm guessing I need to first specify that RGB := 0, 0, 0 and then increase the RGB values until they reach the actual bitmap values. Do I first need to "get" those values somehow? Or, is there a better way to achieve the Fade In/Out procedures? (note that we're dealing with combined bitmaps here, rather than single images)
EDIT: Apologies for the rant-like nature of this post, but... I'm getting frustrated with Delphi programming. Rather than toss my laptop out the window, I'd rather express my frustration here on the Forums and hopefully it comes to something a bit more productive than a broken laptop and a feeling of regret. ----- Why can I sometimes access properties, functions, variables etc from other units, and sometimes not? "Private" and "public" doesn't seem to make any difference, either. Sometimes I'll start to type the name of a class, followed by "." and a list of all the available items comes up. I assure you, sometimes even when I make something "public", it still won't appear in that list. Why??? Also, the practice of creating "instances" of classes within procedures is ridiclously cumbersome and unintuitive. If I've created a property/variable/field/whatever in Class1.pas, it should be accessible from Class2.pas without me having to create a "version" of Class1 first. If it's declared in uses, that should be that! Forgive me for the rant, but aren't we as programmers supposed to be in charge of the program, not the other way around?!
I have a hotkey config dialog which responds to key presses by jumping to that key in a list and focusing it for editing. The user must first press "Find Key" and then select a key in order to edit it (but, I'm seriously considering removing this button altogether and just have the dialog always listen for key presses). Problem is, if they hit [Space], this clicks the "Find Key" button again. Space is focused for editing, no problem, but the "Press any key to edit..." label is shown instead of "Editing key: Space." This could cause potential confusion for the end-user. Similarly, hitting [Enter] doesn't focus Enter for editing, which is a bit frustrating but I'm not sure what I can do about that. Not looking to restructure/rewrite the unit or change the way that the app handles reading/writing key names, etc. I just want to know if there's a simple way to stop the Space bar from auto-clicking the "Find Key" button. Tried "if Key = VK_SPACE then Exit;" on the form's OnKeyDown event handler and on the [btnFindKey] OnKeyDown event handler and similar things like that, nothing seems to work. --- As an aside, if I can't find a way to get the dialog to always listen for key presses without first pressing "Find Key", then ideally it'd be better if FindKey must be pressed in order to focus any key for editing. At the moment, it's sometimes possible to press a few keys after hitting "Find Key" and each one will be focused, but then some won't be. I can't figure out what's causing this behaviour, but if there's a way to stop the form from listening for key presses once one has been focused in the list, that would also be something of an improvement.
If you want to specify "i" as being any value between 0 - 7, you can use for i := 0 to 7 do And, as I understand it, this will run code as long as "i" matches any value between 0 and 7. But, what if you only want to run the code when "i" matches every value between 0 and 7 at the same time? So, for example, rather than typing: if (X, Y - 0) and (X, Y - 1) and (X, Y - 2) and (X, Y - 3) etc... Is there a way to express it as (X, Y - i) where i can be any value between 0 and 7, but every value must be accounted for simultaneously?
I have a form with a treeview, which can be browsed using the arrow keys. Once an item in the treeview is selected, hitting an "OK" button on the form (which has the modal result mrOK) will close the form, and load the currently selected item into the app. What I want to do is assign VK_RETURN (which I believe is the [Enter] key...?) to the OK button, so that when browsing the treeview using keys, the user can just hit Enter/Return to load the currently selected item. btnOKClick has its own procedure, detailed here: procedure TFLevelSelect.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin WriteToParams; ModalResult := mrOk; end; I can enter "WriteToParams;" into the Treeview's OnKeyDown procedure, but this doesn't actually have any effect until the OK button is pressed. So, one option is to tell the OnKeyDown procedure to also "virtually press the OK button" (which I'm not sure is even possible...?) - this would be my preferred method, if it can be done. Another option is to assign a hotkey to btnOKClick. The only problem with this is that there are multiple other buttons on the form, all of which already respond to [Enter] when Tab-selected. If I assign [Enter] as a hotkey to btnOKClick, then [Enter] either can't then be used for any of the other buttons on the form - or, worse, the app will crash because it won't know which button to press if the Tab is on a different button than 'OK', and the user hits [Enter]. Any and all suggestions/help welcome. I apologise if I haven't provided any necessary information.
Hi all, I'm running RAD Studio 10.4 Version 27.0.40680.4203. I daren't update it in case I can no longer compile the project I'm working on after the update. Debugging breakpoints have always worked, but today for some reason they stopped working. Now, when I enter a breakpoint (red dot at the left of the line), the red dot gets a cross ('X') in the centre of it and the program doesn't break at the appropriate point when running in Debug mode. As far as I know, I haven't changed any project settings since being able to use breakpoints and now not being able to use them. Any ideas...? Apologies if I haven't provided any necessary information.
Output from Tree View when using Arrow Keys (as well as Mouse Click)
Willicious posted a topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Hi all, The app I'm working on has a tree view which displays relevant info when an item in that tree is clicked with the mouse. It's also possible to scroll through the treeview list items using the arrow keys (which is obviously quicker than point-clicking every item to get the displayed info), however the info is not displayed when using the arrow keys. It's necessary to actually click an item to get it to display the info. Here's the relevant procedure: procedure TFLevelSelect.tvLevelSelectClick(Sender: TObject); begin SetInfo; end; As you can see, SetInfo is only called when the tree view is actually clicked. Do I need to add procedures for VK_DOWN and VK_UP which call this function, or can the hotkeys be added in here somewhere? Many thanks, Will