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python4delphi How to stop inifinity script

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Greetings, I have several pieces of Python code that checks one condition in a loop, if it is met, it outputs Print, if not waits 5 seconds and checks again, and so on endlessly. How do I stop the script using delphi? Can I somehow send ctrl+c or something like that there. The answer from Demo33 did not fit


v - 3.12.dll

Edited by CBAPKA

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import time

while True:
#need to stop it


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from delphi side provide a py module and in run-time create an  instance of class which holds "Terminated" property (and you able to get/set), and set it as variable for module. Then in python you can run infinite loop so long as needed:

from DelphiModule import RuntimeVar
from time import sleep
from pyio import write as print

def run():
  while not RuntimeVar.Terminated:
    print('Wauting for something')
    sleep(1) #1 second sleep
    print('infinite loop ended by delphi side')


until host app not set Terminated to true yet.

Due to that design, your python code should run in thread. 


Edited by AlexanderMi

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