kvk1989 2 Posted March 13, 2024 from src.common import to_bytes, from_bytes import usb import array import struct def bruteforce(device, config, dump_ptr, dump=False): addr = config.watchdog_address + 0x50 # We don't need to wait long, if we succeeded # noinspection PyBroadException try: device.dev.timeout = 1 except Exception: pass udev = device.udev try: # noinspection PyProtectedMember udev._ctx.managed_claim_interface = lambda *args, **kwargs: None except AttributeError as e: raise RuntimeError("libusb is not installed for port {}".format(device.dev.port)) from e linecode = udev.ctrl_transfer(0xA1, 0x21, 0, 0, 7) + array.array('B', [0]) if dump: try: device.cmd_da(0, 0, 1) device.read32(addr) except: pass for i in range(4): udev.ctrl_transfer(0x21, 0x20, 0, 0, linecode + array.array('B', to_bytes(dump_ptr - 6 + (4 - i), 4, '<'))) udev.ctrl_transfer(0x80, 0x6, 0x0200, 0, 9) brom = bytearray(device.cmd_da(0, 0, 0x20000)) brom[dump_ptr - 1:] = b"\x00" + to_bytes(0x100030, 4, '<') + brom[dump_ptr + 4:] return brom else: try: device.cmd_da(0, 0, 1) device.read32(addr) except: pass for address in range(dump_ptr, 0xffff, 4): for i in range(3): udev.ctrl_transfer(0x21, 0x20, 0, 0, linecode + array.array('B', to_bytes(address - 5 + (3 - i), 4, '<'))) udev.ctrl_transfer(0x80, 0x6, 0x0200, 0, 9) try: if(len(device.cmd_da(0, 0, 0x40))) == 0x40: return (True, address) except RuntimeError: try: device.read32(addr) except: return (False, address + 4) except Exception: return (False, address + 4) Share this post Link to post
kvk1989 2 Posted March 13, 2024 unit USBBruteforce; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, CPort, ConfigClass, Logger, StructConversion; // Include your USB communication library here function BruteForce(device: TComPort; const config: TObject; dump_ptr: Integer; dump: Boolean): TBytes; implementation uses Unit4; function ToBytes(Value: Integer; Size: Integer; Endian: Char): TBytes; begin SetLength(Result, Size); if Endian = '<' then for var i := 0 to Size - 1 do Result[i] := Byte((Value shr (i * 8)) and $FF) else for var i := Size - 1 downto 0 do Result[Size - 1 - i] := Byte((Value shr (i * 8)) and $FF); end; function FromBytes(Bytes: TBytes; Endian: Char): Integer; begin var Size := Length(Bytes); Result := 0; if Endian = '<' then for var i := Size - 1 downto 0 do Result := (Result shl 8) or Bytes[i] else for var i := 0 to Size - 1 do Result := (Result shl 8) or Bytes[i]; end; function BruteForce(device: TComPort; const config: TObject; dump_ptr: Integer; dump: Boolean): TBytes; var addr: Integer; linecode: TBytes; brom: TBytes; i, address: Integer; begin addr := TConfig(config).WatchdogAddress + $50; // Replace TYourConfigClass with your actual config class type try device.Timeouts.ReadInterval := 1; except // Handle timeout setting failure end; // Handle interface claiming based on your USB library // Placeholder code: // try // USBLibrary.ClaimInterface(device); // except // raise Exception.Create('Failed to claim interface'); // end; SetLength(linecode, 8); // Placeholder code for obtaining linecode bytes // Replace the following line with actual code to get linecode bytes from the device // Example: linecode := USBLibrary.GetLinecodeBytes(device); if dump then begin try // Placeholder code for sending commands and reading data from the device except // Handle command sending or data reading failure end; for i := 0 to 3 do begin // Placeholder code for sending control transfers end; // Placeholder code for reading data from the device // Replace the following line with actual code to read data from the device // Example: brom := USBLibrary.ReadData(device, dump_ptr, 0x20000); Move(ToBytes($100030, 4, '<')[0], brom[dump_ptr - 1], 4); Result := brom; end else begin try // Placeholder code for sending commands and reading data from the device except // Handle command sending or data reading failure end; for address := dump_ptr to $FFFF do begin // Placeholder code for sending control transfers for i := 0 to 2 do begin // Placeholder code for sending control transfers end; try // Placeholder code for sending commands and reading data from the device // Replace the following line with actual code to read data from the device // Example: brom := USBLibrary.ReadData(device, address - 5, $40); if Length(brom) = $40 then begin Result := ToBytes(address, 2, '<'); Exit; end; except on E: Exception do begin try // Placeholder code for sending commands and reading data from the device except Result := ToBytes(address + 4, 2, '<'); Exit; end; end; end; end; end; end; end. is this right code ? please tell me Share this post Link to post