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Using Andy's Fix Pack to fix Delphi bug QC15408

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Andy's VCL Fix Pack is a Delphi open-source unit that fixes VCL and RTL issues at runtime by patching the original functions.


Andy's Unit contains easy-to-use functions to update code that cannot be easily recompiled or changed.

If you try to change VCL sources (files in Source folder of your RadStudio, Delphi or C++ Builder installation) and attempt to recompile them within your project, you'll get multiple errors, such as: DCU mismatch, (file1.pas) is compiled with a newer version of (file2.pas). This occurs when source-code is compiled with a different file and needs to be fully recompiled.

In the below example, I will use Andy's fix pack to fix a long standing bug - QC15408.


Without fix:


With fix:






Edited by PolywickStudio
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