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Delphi Pro and MongoDB components

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I'm using Delphi Pro 10.3 and am trying to set up a test program that can access a MongoDB server.   I know that MongoDB is supported; but I'm confused why I see the FireDAC sample; but can't use it.  I don't have FireDAC.Phys.MongoDB (and other items).


I read

and it seems as if Delphi Pro does have access to FireDAC's Mongo drivers.  Mind you, the linked post is about 11.1 Delphi.    So does 10.3 Pro have no access to MongoDB, or did I screwup the install of 10.3?  Or is it only available to 11.1+?


Any clarifications appreciated.





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Never mind...  I'm just an idiot.  Apparently it is only for Enterprise/Architect. 


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Thanks Frickler.   I'm testing out UniDAC but am struggling a bit.   Will check out mORMot as well.



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