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Lars Arvidsson

ANN: Axolot Code Converter, Translate Delphi to C++, use Delphi to write code for Arduino

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Axolot Code Converter


Translate your Delphi code to C++


  • Generates code for C++ Builder, GCC, Microsoft Visual C++ and Arduino.
  • Supports all Delphi language features.
  • Designed to minimize post processing.
    After initial setup you shall be able to use Delphi as your primary language and run the translator to produce error free C++ code.
  • Use Delphi to create code for Arduino microcontrollers. Working with Delphi is much nicer and easier than the Arduino IDE. Write and debug the code in Delphi and translate it to C++. The do any time critical testings in Arduino. Axolot Code Converter produces Arduino INO files and comes with an Arduino simulator.
  • Comes with IDE and command line tool.
  • Free version available.

Read more at axolot.com


Best regards,

Lars Arvidsson, Axolot Data


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