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C++ Builder 11.3 IDE/BDS errors

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Hallo. Is there a chance to repair the C++ Builder 11.3 Community Edition without de- and reinstall?
I get some ugly messages like:


"No application to execute"
when I start/load a project

"Access violation in module rtl280.bpl" or
"Access violation in module bcbide280.bpl"
first time today

"Dos command not running"

Thank You.



BDE 01 screen_20240705_142229.png

Book001 Access Violation screen_20240705_154735.png

IDE 01 screen_20240618_132004.png

IDE screen_20240612_144258.png

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It was something with LSB path in the registrty or configuration. Changed it. Case closed.


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Hello cbPlus,


Could you please explain what the "LSB path" is? I was unable to locate it in the registry or configuration settings. Thank you.

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Hi. Sorry for the late answer. Maybe you already got it.

I mispelled the key.


If this key exists, you made some custom changes. I had. So I deleted it the key beneath the reg-path LSP and it worked again.

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