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Nicolò Blunda

Form size reduced in macOS

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Posted (edited)

The MainForm BorderStyle property is now set to the sizable value and all controls are in scale Align property
When the app runs on remote macOS (low screen resolution: 1024x768 px, the form run in orginal designed size and resizes instantly to a very small size (see attachs "Original" and "Reduced")
The original form has a minimum size of 1050x1000 px, so I expect its size to be larger than the virtual Mac screen,
Is this strange behavior replicated with the high resolution Mac screen?
Is there a way to show, even on small screen sizes of the remote Mac, the form in her design-time size?
Thank you





Edited by Nicolò Blunda

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I have find the solution.
In MyForm.Create I insert this

 Constraints.MinWidth := MyForm.Width;
 Constraints.MinHeight:= MyForm.Height;

Note that if MyForm.Position property is set to Designed, this affects only MyForm aspect under Windows OS and not under macOS.

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