Günther Schoch 61 Posted November 26 Hi I managed to register an own extension to the IDE. My Plugin Component does register var edtServices := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAEditorServices); var locMenu:= edtServices.GetEditorLocalMenu; FActList:= TActionList.Create(nil); FAct:= TAction.Create(nil); FAct.OnUpdate:= OnUpdate; FAct.OnExecute:= OnExecute; FAct.Enabled:= True; FAct.Caption:= 'My Ext'; FAct.ActionList:= FActList; locMenu.RegisterActionList(FActList, cEdMenuCatLast, ''); but the documentation does say that I shall unregister as well var edtServices := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAEditorServices); var locMenu:= edtServices.GetEditorLocalMenu; locMenu.UnregisterActionList(cEdMenuCatLast); FActList.Free; Question: looks as there can only register exactly 1 plugin per Editor Menu Category? What if 2 plugins try the same?!? Share this post Link to post