ToddFrankson 3 Posted November 27 Are there any Issues with TRestRequest and IOS? The following Code runs on Android, Windows 32bit & 64bit, and MacOS fine, but on IOS I get nothing in the TRestResponse contents: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.lines.clear; Begin RestRequest1.execute; End).Start; end; And the RestRequest Handler- procedure TForm1.RESTRequest1AfterExecute(Sender: TCustomRESTRequest); begin Try Begin Accesstoken:=restresponse1.JSONValue.GetValue<string>('access_token'); Memo1.lines.add(Accesstoken); TDialogservice.showmessage('Access Token: ' + AccessToken); End; Except on E:Exception do TDialogservice.showmessage(E.message); End; end; Everytime I hit Accesstoken:=restresponse1.JSONValue.GetValue<string>('access_token'); the restresponse content is ''. But only on IOS. Anyone have ideas where to look? Maybe a property I need to set? I can post the form code if needed. Share this post Link to post
Olli73 5 Posted November 28 Instead of creating your own thread/task, you could/should use "RestRequest1.ExecuteAsync(...)". Share this post Link to post
ToddFrankson 3 Posted November 28 (edited) 14 minutes ago, Olli73 said: Instead of creating your own thread/task, you could/should use "RestRequest1.ExecuteAsync(...)". I tried that too, It works on all platforms except IOS. Thats what lead me to try this. It's like the RESTRequest1AfterExecute comes back before the request is completed Edited November 28 by ToddFrankson Share this post Link to post
Olli73 5 Posted November 28 In case of ExecuteAsync, have you used the ACompletionHandler Parameter instead of the Afterexecute event and also set the ASynchronized Parameter to true? 1 Share this post Link to post
ToddFrankson 3 Posted November 28 Same issue. That was where this started. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin RESTRequest1.AcceptEncoding := 'gzip, deflate, br'; Memo1.lines.clear; RestRequest1.ExecuteAsync(MyHandler,true,true,nil); end; procedure TForm1.myHandler; begin Try Accesstoken:=restresponse1.JSONValue.GetValue<string>('access_token'); Memo1.lines.add(Accesstoken); showmessage('Access Token: ' + AccessToken); Except on E:Exception do showmessage(E.message); End; When I tap button1 to fire RestRequest1.ExecuteAsync(MyHandler,true,true,nil); almost immediately I go right to Accesstoken:=restresponse1.JSONValue.GetValue<string>('access_token'); Then it hits the Exception, where Accesstoken is '', and never shows the error message. Share this post Link to post
Olli73 5 Posted November 29 (edited) On 11/28/2024 at 10:31 PM, ToddFrankson said: Accesstoken:=restresponse1.JSONValue.GetValue<string>('access_token'); Is at this place something filled in "restResponse1.Content"? Is the value later (after the Handler) filled? And what is the StatusCode of the response? Edited November 30 by Olli73 Share this post Link to post
ToddFrankson 3 Posted November 30 (edited) 18 hours ago, Olli73 said: Is at this place something filled in "restResponse1.Content"? Is the value later (after the Handler) filled? And what is the StatusCode of the response? 1-It should be, bu tit is not. Content=''.- Works on all platforms but IOS-I used the REST Debugger to generate the objects. 2-On all other platforms it is, but not on IOS 3- the response code is 0- i have been digging into the HTTPClient in the rest Request. It seems on IOS it's doing a handoff to the OS with a callback. Line 517-522 of System.Net.HTTPClient.mac is where it fails on IOS Emulator (So I can step through the code) LResponse.FDone := False; FDataTasks.AddTask(LRequest.FDataTask, LResponse); try LRequest.FDataTask.resume; while not LResponse.FDone do InternalWaitMessage(0.01); --> This procedure Located at 330-338: procedure InternalWaitMessage(AInterval: Single); var TimeoutDate: NSDate; begin TimeoutDate := TNSDate.Wrap(TNSDate.OCClass.dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow(AInterval)); TNSRunLoop.Wrap(TNSRunLoop.OCClass.currentRunLoop).runMode(NSDefaultRunLoopMode, TimeoutDate); if TThread.CurrentThread.ThreadID <> MainThreadID then Sleep(Trunc(AInterval * 1000)); end; Lines 1309-on in System.Net.HTTPCLient is where the LResponse.Cancelled is set to true: if LRequest.FCancelled then----->Cancelled is false; Exit; LExecResult := DoExecuteRequest(LRequest, LResponse, AContentStream); if LRequest.FCancelled then--------------Cancelled is true Exit; case LExecResult of TExecutionResult.Success: ------>Status is success, but the exit above spits us out begin if not SameText(LRequest.FMethodString, sHTTPMethodHead) and (LResponse.FStream <> nil) then LResponse.DoReadData(LResponse.FStream); if LRequest.FCancelled then Exit; Status := LResponse.GetStatusCode;------------Status code is 200 but Cancelled set to true means we've exited case Status of 200: begin Break; end; 401: ...... And today I get an SSL error at line 529 of System.Net.HTTPClient.mac: else if LResponse.FError <> nil then-------------------------> raise ENetHTTPClientException.CreateResFmt(@SNetHttpClientErrorAccessing, [LResponse.FError.code, LRequest.FURL.ToString, NSStrToStr(LResponse.FError.localizedDescription)]) End; Edited November 30 by ToddFrankson Share this post Link to post
ToddFrankson 3 Posted November 30 Got it. It seems IOS had to have a slightly different URL............ The API provider needs better documentation. All is good in the universe again. Thanks for helping me brainstorm Share this post Link to post
ToddFrankson 3 Posted December 3 And just like that, Response code of 0 with ZERO code changes. Even the Postman App on IOS fails following the instructions from the website. There's something fishy with REST and IOS Share this post Link to post