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Hi All,


This Black Friday, we’re offering 30% OFF on all our products. Offer valid until November 30th. Use the following coupon code to apply the discount:




Main Features:

- WebSocket and HTTP/2 Support: sgcWebSockets includes client and server-side implementations of the WebSocket protocol (RFC 6455). HTTP/s is also full supported. Support for plain TCP is also included.
- SSL/TLS for Security: Your messages are secure using our SSL/TLS implementation. Widest compatibility via support for modern TLS 1.3 and TLS 1.2
- Protocols and APIs: Several protocols are supported: MQTT (3.1.1 and 5.0), STOMP, AMQP, WEBRTC, SIGNALR CORE, WAMP... Built-in protocols support Transactions, Datasets, QoS, big file transfers and more. APIs supported for third-parties like Binance, Coinbase, Kraken...
- Cross-platform: Share your code using our WebSockets library for your Delphi VCL, Firemonkey, Javascript and .NET projects. Includes Server, Clients and several protocols for building and connecting to WebSocket applications.
- High Performance WebSocket Server based on Microsoft HTTP Framework and IOCP.

- Indy Servers (WebSocket + HTTPs) for Windows (IOCP) and Linux (EPOLL).

- WhatsApp and Telegram clients.

- Authorization protocols like OAuth2 and JWT are supported on Server and Client Components.

- STUN and TURN protocols are supported on Server and Client Components

- OpenAPI Pascal Client Generator for OpenAPI 3.0 and Swagger 1.0-2.0.

- Use OpenAI API to build ChatBots, Translators and more.








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