Nicolò Blunda 3 Posted Saturday at 07:51 AM Hi. I would like to sort the elements in a ComboEdit in the exact order of typing. That is... the combo should save the typing history of the inserted elements, with the last element in first position and so on... I don't see the sorted property to set the order of all the elements/items, which are, by default, sorted alphabetically. How can I do that? Share this post Link to post
Nicolò Blunda 3 Posted Saturday at 02:58 PM Find solution. Method "Append" instead "Add" can include new item at the top of drop list. Share this post Link to post
Pat Foley 52 Posted Saturday at 03:26 PM What keys or click did you use to connect the append. Under windows code seems to add a line when tabbed? // if you wire up onClick In Events in Object Inspector procedure TForm13.ComboEdit1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender is TComboEdit then begin var CE := Sender as TComboEdit; CE.Items.Insert(0, CE.text); //CE.Items.add(CE.Text); //CE.Items.Insert(CE.Items.Count, CE.text); CE.Text := ''; //clears for newline end; end; 1 Share this post Link to post