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Georgia @ Evolution

Subcontract Job Opportunity - Delphi Developer

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Hi everyone 😊 I'm not a Delphi developer myself, but I'm actually looking for a subcontract Delphi Developer. I'm working with a Swedish client, who are a SaaS company, providing business systems to automotive companies.

One of their current projects is working on their existing on-prem system, which is built in Delphi, and adapting it for the Finnish market. The key tasks that you would be working on include:

1. Translating the system from Swedish to Finnish. This would involve finding a way to separate the hard-coded Swedish language elements and creating language files or a mechanism to translate the system in real-time.
2. Modifying the system to integrate with Finnish-specific requirements, such as handling taxes, accounting systems, and other market-specific needs.
3. Translating and potentially redesigning print outputs like invoices and work order flows. The existing Delphi components used for printing are described as "quite hard to work with," so may need to create new templates.
4. Building a migration tool to transfer data from the client's existing system in Finland to their new system.
5. Integration to automotive clients ordering systems, parts catalogues, aftermarket reports etc..

Additionally, knowledge of the Swedish language would be beneficial since parts of the codebase are in Swedish mixed with English.

If anyone is interested, please feel free to drop me a message or email on Georgia.benton@evolution-nordics.com for more info 😊


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