Alex7691 7 Posted Wednesday at 06:03 AM (edited) Has anyone had any luck with Tiny.Library (, more specifically with its Generic classes? BTW, Rapid.Generics contains an older/simpler version of its Tiny.Generics unit ( I did a quick test on a TDictionary and the performance is impressive compared to the standard System.Generics. Collections dictionary. However, some other tests with TList<> , for example, showed random errors that were difficult to identify the cause, such as exceptions in ReallocMem(). In addition, I identified some bizarre bugs in the code, such as in the TArray.InternalSearch() method, see below: class function TArray.InternalSearch<T>(Values: Pointer; Index, Count: Integer; const Item: T; out FoundIndex: Integer; Comparer: Pointer): Boolean; var I: Integer; Helper: TSearchHelper; begin if (Count <= 0) then begin if (Count = 0) then begin FoundIndex := Index; Result := True; <---------- The result cannot be True when Count = 0 Exit; end else begin raise EArgumentOutOfRangeException.CreateRes(Pointer(@SArgumentOutOfRange)); end; end; System.Generics.Collections has a similar code and the result is obviously false: class function TArray.DoBinarySearch<T>(const Values: array of T; const Item: T; out FoundIndex: NativeInt; const Comparer: IComparer<T>; Index, Count: NativeInt): Boolean; var L, H, mid: NativeInt; cmp: NativeInt; begin if Count = 0 then begin FoundIndex := Index; Exit(False); end; I wouldn't expect to find this in a library of this level, unless it has never actually been tested/used. The lack of unit tests is also concerning.... Edited Wednesday at 06:21 AM by Alex7691 Share this post Link to post