I have some .NET interop code where I've managed to load objects and read properties, however I am having trouble with setting a property on an object. Here's the relevant parts of the Delphi code: uses mscorlib_TLB, Winapi.ActiveX; type // Irrelevant parts of the code omitted TDotNetObject = class(TObject) private FTarget: OleVariant; FType: _Type; public procedure SetProperty(const APropertyName: string; const AValue: OleVariant; const AIndex: Integer = -1); end; function VariantToPSafeArray(const AValue: Variant): PSafeArray; begin Result := PSafeArray(VarArrayAsPSafeArray(AValue)); end; procedure TDotNetObject.SetProperty(const APropertyName: string; const AValue: OleVariant; const AIndex: Integer = -1); var LPropertyInfo: _PropertyInfo; LIndex: PSafeArray; begin if AIndex >= 0 then LIndex := VariantToPSafeArray(VarArrayOf([AIndex])) else LIndex := nil; LPropertyInfo := FType.GetProperty(APropertyName, BindingFlags_Instance or BindingFlags_Public or BindingFlags_NonPublic); if LPropertyInfo <> nil then LPropertyInfo.SetValue(FTarget, AValue, LIndex); end; procedure UpdateDefectStatus(const ADefectID, AStatus: Integer); var LObject: TDotNetObject; begin // ** Code to obtain the object omitted *** LObject.SetProperty('Status', AStatus); end; An error is thrown when LPropertyInfo.SetValue is called in TDotNetObject.SetProperty:     The Status property type in C# is declared: public enum DefectStatus { /// <summary> /// Defect Reported. /// </summary> Reported, /// <summary> /// Defect assessed. /// </summary> Assessed, /// <summary> /// Defect on work order. /// </summary> OnWorkOrder, /// <summary> /// Defect closed. /// </summary> Closed } I found a solution for how to handle this situation using C# here:


However I'm a bit lost as to how to do the same in Delphi. Any ideas?