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Using VCL-Style-Utils but not styling common dialogs

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Hey All!  I use the wonderful VCL-Style-Utils (https://github.com/RRUZ/vcl-styles-utils)  I especially use the Vcl.Styles.Hooks option since I have a number of older vcl controls that aren't style friendly and this gets them working well enough.  However, I do sometimes want to not style the common dialogs windows.  One valid reason is that the font selection dialog box has issues with styles and scrolling the font list, but it's also that I worry that the styling might interfere with a necessary part of my program (I don't mind that they don't look styled, I kind of consider them as separate from my program.)  When using the standard VCL Styles you can do this using:


TStyleManager.SystemHooks := TStyleManager.SystemHooks - [shDialogs];


But I haven't found a way to do it using Vcl Style Utils, so I was wondering if anyone's done it or if I'm missing something obvious.  Or, as I believe is likely, you can't use the hooks option and hope to shutoff "part" of the styling.   Thanks for any input!


Edited by MarkShark

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