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D2009 error

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Hi, I'm new and also just trying to start with parallel programming.

My first issue is the installation in D2009 ; version of OmniThreadL 3.07.7: 2019-02-23:

 I get an error:


[DCC Error] OtlSync.pas(1556): E2037 Declaration of 'Implicit' differs from previous declaration


 and it refers to this piece of code:


class operator Locked<T>.Implicit(const value: Locked<T>): T;
  Result := value.Value;
end; { Locked<T>.Implicit }



So my question is: How to pass this hurdle?



Thanks in advance,

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Not an answer but an advice.


In such case you found a bug or problem you reported here, this one in particular is very popular library, such bugs/problems come from new features mostly, so don't stop and wait for an answer, you report it, that is great and thank you.

Now go and download an older version/release and continue to use/test it, when authors will fix you can use the fixed newer one.



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