Hi Team, D10.4.1, Indy as comes with D10.4, 32 bit App.  Tested on Win 10 & Win 2012 R2 server. I have the following code in my App in the form create procedure with IdSNTP in the uses.. var SNTPClient: TIdSNTP; begin // SNTPClient := TIdSNTP.Create(nil); try // SNTPClient.Host := 'time.windows.com'; // ShowMessage(DateTimeToStr(SNTPClient.DateTime)); // if SNTPClient.SyncTime then ShowMessage('Time sync worked.') else ShowMessage('Time Sync didnt work.'); // finally SNTPClient.Free; end; // When run, the initial showmessage shows the correct date/time but I get the "didn't work" message after the .SyncTime. I manually changed my PC clock out of sync and ran the routine again, it didn't adjust the clock. I seem to recall many moons ago that this did work, possibly with D10.3, I don't exactly recall.  My original code was created in Nov'19. What have I missed please???   Regards & TIA, Ian