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hi again,


another aprouch to my scenario discribed on first topic (import requests) is use the existing python code on threads.


On my python code, i had a thread structure how i call on command line and work´s fine, but i need to intercept the information from the calls in my delphi application.


To explain, i´m connecting to a lot of Facial controllers to get the access events in real time.


so my code on python create a instance of a thread for each facial controller and print the events.


the events comming from a http get request with x-midex/multipart content-type, so i call get and iter the response content for each chunk and when i got all the access information, such as name, card, event code, error code, date and time i print the information on screen.


the problem to use delphi to do this task is the problemas of the Indy to manage x-mixed/multipar contents and i had some issues with Digest auth and the requests itself, flooding call after call, making a lot of connection/disconnection to controllers log.


try python was the manufacturer answer, but i know nothing of python to be honest and i discover P4D and start to learn.


My first aprouch was take my python code and put into delphi to manage disconnections, exceptions, and to get the event informations of the controllers to feed my database, but i´snt a easy task, i read the thread demos and watch the webinars but still stuck with how to use.


has P4D any documentation of components, functions, procedures ? it too hard to understand how it interact with python and vice-versa, strings as parameters get me a lot of errors, and my attempts of run my threads frozzen my test app.



here my code in python

import requests
import datetime
import re
from dateutil.tz import gettz

class EventFacial:  # {
    def __init__(self):
        self.pin = ''
        self.date = 0
        self.card_number = 0
        self.door_number = 0
        self.entry_exit = 0
        self.verify_mode = 0
        self.event_type = 0
        self.ip = 0
        self.port = 0
        self.user = 0
        self.door = 0
        self.status = 0
        self.door_status = 0
        self.card_type = 0
        self.password = 0
        self.error_code = 0

    def exibir(self):
        print('Id:%s Nome:%s Metodo:%s Terminal:%s Status:%s, Erro:%s' % (self.pin, self.user, self.verify_mode,
                                                                          self.ip, self.status, self.error_code))
# }

def moniorar(ip):
    url = "http://"+ip+"/cgi-bin/snapManager.cgi?action=attachFileProc&Flags[0]=Event&Events=[AccessControl]"  # noqa
    username = 'admin'
    password = 'admin123'
    print('Iniciando rotina')
    running = True
    concluido = False
    while running:  # {
            print('Chamando GET')
            rval = requests.get(url, auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(username, password), stream=True, timeout=60)  # noqa
        except Exception:

        event = {}
        i = 0
        for chunk in rval.iter_lines():
            if concluido:
            if 'Content-Length: '.encode() in chunk:
                event = {}
                event['user_id'] = 0
                event['command'] = 0
                event['login_id'] = 0
                event['ipaddr'] = 0
                event['port'] = 0
                event['user'] = 0
                event['door'] = 0
                event['time'] = 0
                event['access_type'] = 0
                event['status'] = 0
                event['door_status'] = 0
                event['card_type'] = 0
                event['door_open_method'] = 0
                event['card_number'] = 0
                event['door_number'] = 1
                event['password'] = ''
                event['error_code'] = 0
                event['channel_id'] = 0
                event['reader_id'] = ''
                event['packet_len'] = 0
                event['packet_num'] = 0
                event['fingerprint_info'] = 0
                event['collect_result'] = 0

            elif '='.encode() in chunk and 'Events['.encode() in chunk:
                i = i+1
                    rval = re.search(r'=', chunk.decode())
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    rval = None

                if rval:

                    key = chunk[:rval.span()[0]].decode()
                    value = chunk[rval.span()[1]:].decode()
                    if 'UserType' in key:
                        i = 34

                    if 'UserID' in key:
                        event['user_id'] = int(value, 16) if value not in ['', 'admin'] else 0

                    elif 'CardName' in key:
                        event['card_name'] = value

                    elif 'CardNo' in key:
                        event['card_number'] = int(value, 16) if value != '' else 0

                    elif 'CardType' in key:
                        value = int(value) if value != '' else -1
                        event['card_type'] = value

                    elif 'CreateTime' in key:
                        event['time'] = int(value) if value != '' else 0

                    elif 'Door' in key:
                        event['door'] = int(value) if value != '' else 0

                    elif 'ReaderID' in key:
                        event['reader_id'] = int(value) if value != '' else 0

                    elif 'ErrorCode' in key:
                        value = int(value) if value != '' else -1
                        event['error_code'] = ErrorCodes(int(value))

                    elif 'Method' in key:
                        value = int(value) if value != '' else -1
                        event['door_open_method'] = 'Face Detect' if value == 15 else 'Password'

                    elif 'Status' in key:
                        value = int(value) if value != '' else 0
                        event['status'] = value

                    elif 'Type' in key:
                        if value == "Entry":
                            event['access_type'] = 'ENTRY'
                        elif value == "Exit":
                            event['access_type'] = 'EXIT'
                            event['access_type'] = 'UNKNOWN'

                    elif 'UserType' in key:
                        event['user'] = int(value) if value != '' else 0

                    elif 'EventBaseInfo.Code' in key:
                        if value == 'AccessControl':
                            event['command'] = 'DH_ALARM_ACCESS_CTL_EVENT'
                            event['command'] = 'DH_UNKNOWN_EVENT'

                    elif 'EventBaseInfo.Index' in key:
                        event['door_number'] = int(value) if value != '' else 0

                if i == 34:
                    i = 0
                    concluido = False
                    Facial_event = EventFacial()
                    Facial_event.pin = event['user_id']
                    Facial_event.date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(event['time'], gettz('Asia/Hong_Kong'))
                    Facial_event.card_number = event['card_number']
                    Facial_event.door_number = event['door_number'] + 1
                    Facial_event.entry_exit = event['access_type']
                    Facial_event.verify_mode = event['door_open_method']
                    Facial_event.event_type = event['command']
                    Facial_event.ip = ip
                    Facial_event.port = 80
                    Facial_event.user = event['card_name']
                    Facial_event.door = event['door']
                    Facial_event.status = event['status']
                    Facial_event.door_status = event['door_status']
                    Facial_event.card_type = event['card_type']
                    Facial_event.password = event['password']
                    Facial_event.error_code = event['error_code']
                    # append the event to the list
    # }
# }

def ErrorCodes(i):
    swit = {
        0: 'Acesso Permitido',
        16: 'Acesso Negado',
        32: 'Periodo invalido'
    return swit.get(i, "Erro desconhecido")







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