I use Better Translation Manager from @Anders Melander to create language modules. This works fine even with 10.4.2.
In the application, I use resourcestrings. BTM translates them and saves them to, for example, .DEU file for German translation. I have checked with Resource Hacker that translated resourcestrings are there.
In the application, I load resource file, it works for components.
Unfortunatelly, when I use resourcestring in the application like MyButton.Caption:=xxZavrit (resourcestring), it is not correctly loaded from .DEU file (it is loaded from .exe instead). It was working fine in 10.3.3, but does not work in 10.4.2.
Were there any changes regarding loading resourcestrings? I am using an old function which sets new resource file in place:
function SetResourceHInstance(NewInstance: HModule): HModule;
var CurModule: PLibModule;
CurModule := LibModuleList;
Result := 0;
while CurModule <> nil do begin
if CurModule.Instance = HInstance then begin
if (CurModule.ResInstance <> CurModule.Instance)
then FreeLibrary(CurModule.ResInstance);
CurModule.ResInstance := NewInstance;
Result := NewInstance;
CurModule := CurModule.Next;
Kind regards,