Carlos_Reyes 0 Posted March 16, 2023 Dear colleagues, I don't know if you can help me, I don't know what to do anymore I comment: I need to send a json through the body of the component of type raw-json using the postman application it works fine but when I want to implement it in delphi it returns the 404 code. but when I try to implement in delphi 11.3 it can't I don't know what I'm doing wrong TRestClient.NestedElements := False; TRestClient.ResetToDefaults; TRestClient.BaseURL := 'https://localhost:8113/firmardocumento/'; TRestClient.SecureProtocols := []; TRestClient.Accept := '*/*'; TRestClient.ContentType := 'application/json'; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRestRequest.Accept := '*/*'; TRestRequest.Params.Clear; TRestRequest.AddParameter('contentType', 'application/JSON', TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkHTTPHEADER, [poDoNotEncode]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRestRequest.ClearBody; TRestRequest.AddBody(DTEJson, TRESTContentType.ctAPPLICATION_JSON); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRestRequest.Method := TRESTRequestMethod.rmPOST; TRestRequest.Execute; I have tried in many ways but it always returns the code 404 this is the way the json is created and sent function TForm1.GetJson: string; begin Result := '{' + '"mode":"raw",' + '"raw:"' + '{' + EOL + ' "nit": "06142101771068",' + EOL + ' "activo": "True",' + EOL + ' "passwordPri": "",' + EOL + ' "dteJson": {' + EOL + ' "identificacion": {' + EOL + ' "version": 3,' + EOL + ' "ambiente": "01",' + EOL + ' "tipoDte": "03",' + EOL + ' "numeroControl": "DTE-03-00100101-000000000000001",' + EOL + ' "codigoGeneracion": "44A4FE71-8611-4130-8B9B-F0B0A4E2AAF8",' + EOL + ' "tipoModelo": 1,' + EOL + ' "tipoOperacion": 1,' + EOL + ' "tipoContingencia": null,' + EOL + ' "motivoContin": null,' + EOL + ' "fecEmi": "2023-03-12",' + EOL + ' "horEmi": "10:50:48",' + EOL + ' "tipoMoneda": "USD"' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "documentoRelacionado": null,' + EOL + ' "emisor": {' + EOL + ' "nit": "00932969-7",' + EOL + ' "nrc": "161310-4",' + EOL + ' "nombre": "RIVERA MELGAR, MARIA IDALIA",' + EOL + ' "codActividad": "79110",' + EOL + ' "descActividad": "Actividades de agencias de viajes y organizadores de viajes; actividades de asistencia a turistas",' + EOL + ' "nombreComercial": null,' + EOL + ' "tipoEstablecimiento": "02",' + EOL + ' "direccion": {' + EOL + ' "departamento": "08",' + EOL + ' "municipio ": "22",' + EOL + ' "complemento": "1 AV. SUR, FRENTE A CAJA DE CRÉDITO ZACATECOLUCA, DEPARTAMENTO DE LA PAZ"' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "telefono": "",' + EOL + ' "correo": "",' + EOL + ' "codEstableMH": null,' + EOL + ' "codEstable": null,' + EOL + ' "codPuntoVentaMH": null,' + EOL + ' "codPuntoVenta": null' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "receptor": {' + EOL + ' "nit": "02283005-7",' + EOL + ' "nrc": "138504-6",' + EOL + ' "nombre": "104-333 MILTON ODIR VALLADARES ACEVEDO",' + EOL + ' "codActividad": "94110",' + EOL + ' "descActividad": "Actividades de organizaciones empresariales y de empleadores",' + EOL + ' "nombreComercial": null,' + EOL + ' "direccion": {' + EOL + ' "departamento": "02",' + EOL + ' "municipio": "03",' + EOL + ' "complemento": "02283005-7"' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "telefono": "7774-1113",' + EOL + ' "correo": ""' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "otrosDocumentos": null,' + EOL + ' "ventaTercero": null,' + EOL + ' "cuerpoDocumento": [' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "numItem": 1,' + EOL + ' "tipoItem": 3,' + EOL + ' "numeroDocumento": null,' + EOL + ' "codigo": 3,' + EOL + ' "codTributo": null,' + EOL + ' "descripcion": "MESYGEST ANTICONCEPTIVO MENSUAL INYECCIÓN FECHA CALENDARIO",' + EOL + ' "cantidad": 1,' + EOL + ' "uniMedida": 59,' + EOL + ' "precioUni": 4.43362,' + EOL + ' "montoDescu": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaGravada": 4.43362,' + EOL + ' "tributos": [' + EOL + ' "20"' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "psv": 0,' + EOL + ' "noGravado": 0' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "numItem": 2,' + EOL + ' "tipoItem": 3,' + EOL + ' "numeroDocumento": null,' + EOL + ' "codigo": 6,' + EOL + ' "codTributo": null,' + EOL + ' "descripcion": "TIAMINA B1 VIJOSA VIAL 10 ML",' + EOL + ' "cantidad": 1,' + EOL + ' "uniMedida": 59,' + EOL + ' "precioUni": 2,' + EOL + ' "montoDescu": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaGravada": 2,' + EOL + ' "tributos": [' + EOL + ' "20"' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "psv": 0,' + EOL + ' "noGravado": 0' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "numItem": 3,' + EOL + ' "tipoItem": 3,' + EOL + ' "numeroDocumento": null,' + EOL + ' "codigo": 9,' + EOL + ' "codTributo": null,' + EOL + ' "descripcion": "PROGESTIN 100 (PROGESTERONA 100MG/ ML) SOLUCION INYECTRABLE",' + EOL + ' "cantidad": 1,' + EOL + ' "uniMedida": 59,' + EOL + ' "precioUni": 3.19469,' + EOL + ' "montoDescu": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaGravada": 3.19469,' + EOL + ' "tributos": [' + EOL + ' "20"' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "psv": 0,' + EOL + ' "noGravado": 0' + EOL + ' }' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "resumen": {' + EOL + ' "totalNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "totalExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "totalGravada": 9.62831,' + EOL + ' "subTotalVentas": 9.62831,' + EOL + ' "descuNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "descuExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "descuGravada": 0,' + EOL + ' "porcentajeDescuento": 0,' + EOL + ' "totalDescu": 0,' + EOL + ' "tributos": [' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "codigo": "20",' + EOL + ' "descripcion": "Impuesto al Valor Agregado13%",' + EOL + ' "valor": 13' + EOL + ' }' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "subTotal": 9.62831,' + EOL + ' "ivaPerci1": 0,' + EOL + ' "ivaRete1": 0,' + EOL + ' "reteRenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "montoTotalOperacion": 10.87999,' + EOL + ' "totalNoGravado": 0,' + EOL + ' "totalPagar": 10.87999,' + EOL + ' "totalLetras": "Diez con 88/100",' + EOL + ' "saldoFavor": 0,' + EOL + ' "condicionOperacion": 1,' + EOL + ' "pagos": [' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "codigo": "01",' + EOL + ' "montoPago": 10.87999,' + EOL + ' "plazo": null,' + EOL + ' "referencia": "",' + EOL + ' "periodo": null' + EOL + ' }' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "numPagoElectronico": null' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "extension": {' + EOL + ' "nombEntrega": null,' + EOL + ' "docuEntrega": null,' + EOL + ' "nombRecibe": null,' + EOL + ' "docuRecibe": null,' + EOL + ' "observaciones": null,' + EOL + ' "placaVehiculo": null' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "apendice": null' + EOL + ' }' + EOL + '}' + EOL + '}'; end; Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 237 Posted March 16, 2023 Is not possible try in RestDebugger? (it create your compinents with all properties...) later, just copy for your form and see what was done Share this post Link to post
Carlos_Reyes 0 Posted March 17, 2023 clear! I have also done the test in the RestDebugger application but it always returns the same 404 code Share this post Link to post
mjustin 26 Posted March 17, 2023 (edited) TRestRequest.AddParameter('contentType', 'application/JSON', In the Screenshot cURL snippet, it is 'Content-Type: application/json'. (contentType seems to be wrong) Edited March 17, 2023 by mjustin Share this post Link to post
HugoSistemas 0 Posted February 5, 2024 Hello, I think you speak spanish (if you dont, just tell me) Estoy trabajando un cliente similar, (DTEs para la factura electrónica), yo uso visual foxpro y tiene comandos equivalentes, prácticamente la sintaxis la misma, pero yo recibo el mensaje 500: { "timestamp": "2024-02-05T20:49:38.354+0000", "status": 500, "error": "Internal Server Error", "message": "No message available", "path": "/firmardocumento/" } Creo que tiene que ver con los certificados a las claves Share this post Link to post
borni69 1 Posted February 23, 2024 Not sure if you figured it out, but the code below is working for me. And for me I see a diff from your code in RESTClient1.HandleRedirects:=true; RESTRequest1.Method :=TRESTRequestMethod.rmPOST; endpoint := 'https://something/'; content_type := 'application/json'; // ++ some toher params RESTClient1 := TRESTClient.Create(nil); RESTRequest1 := TRESTRequest.Create(nil); RESTResponse1 := TRESTResponse.Create(nil); try RESTRequest1.Client := RESTClient1; RESTRequest1.Response := RESTResponse1; RESTClient1.BaseURL:=endpoint; RESTClient1.HandleRedirects:=true; RESTRequest1.Method :=TRESTRequestMethod.rmPOST; RestRequest1.Params.Clear; RestRequest1.Params.AddItem('content-type', content_type ,pkHTTPHEADER,[poDoNotEncode] ); RestRequest1.Params.AddItem('x-amz-Date', amzdate ,pkHTTPHEADER ); RestRequest1.Params.AddItem('Authorization',authorization_header ,pkHTTPHEADER ,[poDoNotEncode]); RestRequest1.Params.AddItem('x-amz-content-sha256', payload_hash ,pkHTTPHEADER ,[poDoNotEncode] ); RestRequest1.AddBody(request_parameters , TRESTContentType.ctAPPLICATION_JSON ); try RESTRequest1.Execute; writeln('respons'); writeln( RESTResponse1.Content); except On E: Exception do writeln( e.Message); end; finally RESTClient1.Free; RESTRequest1.Free; RESTResponse1.Free; end; But I also set the body Json using system.json unit Jrequest_parameters := TjsonObject.Create; try Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('fromhost'),TJSONString.Create('')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('fromport'),TJSONString.Create('3306')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('fromschema'),TJSONString.Create('atest')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('frompass'),TJSONString.Create('xxxxx')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('tohost'),TJSONString.Create('')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('toport'),TJSONString.Create('3306')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('toschema'),TJSONString.Create('atest2')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('topass'),TJSONString.Create('xxxxx')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('table'),TJSONString.Create('hseq_crm')); Jrequest_parameters.AddPair(TJSONString.Create('copylogs'),TJSONString.Create('0')); request_parameters := Jrequest_parameters.ToString; finally Jrequest_parameters.Free; end; Share this post Link to post