If you pull the latest official Git  Docker/PAServer buildfile it will use Ubuntu Jammy (22) and the latest PAServer. If you pull another version from GIT it will use Ubuntu Bionic (18) but with also an older PAServer that can't be used by the latest Delphi.   Main problem: It seems that the Indy http components don't work on the latest Ubuntu 22 version because it raises SSL errors.   My idea is to use the Ubuntu 18 version and make a dockerfile for building a dockerimage with the latest PAServer that I can use with Delphi 11.3 I made a dockerfile like the official one on Git but changed it using Ubuntu Bionic and PAServer for Delphi 11.3 (see under) I run the build command of docker to create the image:   sudo docker build -t "delphidev:Dockerfile" .   and the image is created in Windows Docker Desktop. I run the image to create the container but.. The last CMD should start paserver_docker.sh but whatever I do the container raises the error :    paserver_docker.sh: no such file or directory. or /bin/sh: 1: ./paserver_docker.sh: not found.   If I list the files in the container the paserver_docker.sh is there and everything in the image seems ok. I have no idea what the problem is.   To make our life more easy: Is there a Pull from GIT with a lower Ubuntu version (18) AND the latest PAServer, so that the PAServer is working with Delphi 11 AND the indy HTTP components are working?   I also tried to use the latest docker/PAServer and lower the SSL library in the image but that failed too..   Anyone???   Dockerfile:   FROM ubuntu:bionic
# bionic is the code name of 18.04, bionic-20230308 ARG password=hello ENV PA_SERVER_PASSWORD=$password RUN apt-get update && \
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yy install \
    build-essential \
    libcurl4-openssl-dev \
    libcurl3-gnutls \
    libgl1-mesa-dev \
    libgtk-3-bin \
    libosmesa-dev \
    xorg ### Install PAServer
ADD https://altd.embarcadero.com/releases/studio/22.0/113/LinuxPAServer22.0.tar.gz ./paserver.tar.gz RUN tar xvzf paserver.tar.gz
RUN mv PAServer-22.0/* . COPY paserver_docker.sh ./paserver_docker.sh
RUN chmod +x paserver_docker.sh # PAServer
EXPOSE 64211
# broadwayd
EXPOSE 8082 CMD ./paserver_docker.sh