i tried to install ICS under Delphi7. The Code in the {$ELSE} can't be OK.
function TIcsFileCopy.SelectCopyFileList (const SrcFileList, TarFileList: TIcsFindList;
const Fname: string; const Selopt: TIcsFileCopyType; const Replopt: TIcsFileCopyRepl;
const DiffStampMins: integer; const IgnoreOldTime: boolean; IgnoreExt: string ; { V8.70 was DiffStamp }
var Skipped: integer; const UTCFlag: boolean; const IgnorePaths: String = ''): integer ; // 16 May 2013 added IgnorePath
IgnorePathList.Delimiter, '"' + IgnorePathList.Delimiter + '"', [rfReplaceAll]) + '"'; { V8.63 for D7 }
IgnorePathList.DelimitedText := '"' + StringReplace(AnsiLowerCase(FIgnorePaths),
Do anybody use ICS with an Delphi Version that is not {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP}?
Thanks and best regards