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Handling Androids Navigation buttons

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I'm working on an Android 13 FireMonkey mobile app in Delphi 11.3 which has a TabControl with four tabs. I'm having trouble with managing the Androids Navigation buttons and wondering if it's a preferred practice to hide the buttons and have the user use gestures instead.


Right now, if the user presses the back button, I'm capturing the key in the OnKeyUp on my apps MainForm via

if Key = vkHardwareBack then

 I move back a tab and/or display an exit dialog if the user is on the first tab. That works fine, but when the user taps the home or overview buttons and then comes back to my app, it starts from the beginning.


What is the recommended process on how to make an Android app behave if the user taps on any of Androids Navigation buttons (back/home/overview)? Is it considered a best practice to hide them and have the user use gestures instead?

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