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Everything posted by PatV

  1. PatV


    So, I can't pass function or method with parameters then ?
  2. Thanks again Primož, So glad you are around. Patrick
  3. Delphi 10.3 Omnithead 3.07.5 Hi all, I'm testing and playing with the sample 24_ConnectionPool, so in the main form I've added procedure TfrmConnectionPoolDemo.btnScheduleClick(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; Params : TParameters; begin WithParamsReset(Params); WithParam(Params,cDteFrom,'2019/01/01',dtString); WithParam(Params,cDteTo ,'2019/09/01',dtString); for i:=0 to 99 do // for testing purpose launch 100 task begin Log(Format('Creating task %d',)); CreateTask(Worker,format('%0.2d',)) .MonitorWith(OTLMonitor) .SetParameter('Params',TOmniValue.FromArray<rParameter>(Params)) .SetParameter('ProcName','prc_ProcedureToCall') .Schedule(FConnectionPool); end; end; now my question is ; how can I retreive the result of the data connection in an object and send it from task Worker to the main thread ? I was thinking about msg.msgData from IOmniMessage and retreive it through OTLMonitor or insert a TOmniTaskInvokeFunction into my Worker task What is the best way ? Thanks Patrick
  4. Thanks again Primoz for your fast answer, I'll go with task.Comm.Send Regards Patrick
  5. Delphi 10.3 Omnithead 3.07.5 Hi All here is a definition of an array of .. TpDataType = (dtNone, dtInteger, dtDateTime, dtString, dtBlob); rParameter = record Field : string; Value : Variant; AsValue : TpDataType; end; TParameters = array of rParameter; I would like to pass it to a worker as parameter, so CreateTask(Worker) .MonitorWith(OTLMonitor) .SetParameter('Params',TOmniValue.Create([Params]); I've tried also .SetParameter('Params',TOmniValue.FromArray<TParameters>(Params)) and convert it again like function TConnectionPoolData.WithParameters(const aValue : TOmniValue) : IConnectionPoolData; begin FParams := aValue.CastTo<TParameters>; Result:=Self; end; But it's not working as expected, as I'm getting bunch of data Do I need to use a class instead ? Thanks Patrick
  6. Thanks a lot Primož, it helps me a lot. And thanks for sharing Omnithread Patrick
  7. Found the prob.... it's too quick, I need to introduce a delay in my loop and everything is working now if you have any suggestions, you're welcome Hi All, I'm using Delphi 10.3 As testing, I've a main form when I click on MyForm Create Thread Button, I launch the code bellow ; I create a form TForm.Create(Self) and I include a frame in it TFrm.Create(Self) GetTGUIDString simply convert number from TGIUID.NewGuid.ToString to letter, and remove special char to get a random name. In My Frame, I have defined a Thread ; TThDb = class(TThread) private FOwner : TComponent; FDM : TFDb; // is a datamodule who will be created within the tread FEvent : TEvent; FError : TFError; FRet : TFRet; FAgs : string; FWhenDone : PrcDone; procedure InitializeDatabase; procedure ConnectToDatabase; Procedure WorkOnData; function LoadData : TThDb; procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(bSuspended : boolean); destructor Destroy; override; property Event : TEvent read FEvent write FEvent; function WhenDone(aValue : PrcDone) : TThDb; function WithAgencies(aValue : string) : TThDb; function WithOwner(aValue : TComponent) : TThDb; procedure Start; // initialise the connection to the database the first time procedure ReStart; // update the variable in the query/procedure end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TTHDB.InitializeDatabase; begin CoInitialize(Nil); FDM := TFDb.Create(nil); FDM.Connection.ReadOnly:=True; CoUninitialize; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TTHDB.ConnectToDatabase; var rParam : rConnectionConfig; begin rParam := GetConnectionConfig; rParam.ModuleName := GetTGUIDString; FDM.InitConnection(rParam); FDM.Connect; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TThDb.ReStart; begin synchronize( procedure() begin LoadData.WorkOnData; end); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TTHDB.WorkOnData; begin if Assigned(FWhenDone) then FWhenDone(FRet); Application.ProcessMessages; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TThDb.LoadData : TThDb; var aFiles : TFFilesStatus; begin ... some work ... FRet.FValue:=TValue.From<TFFilesStatus>(aFiles); FRet.FId := FAgs; result:=Self; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TThDb.Start; begin Resume; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TThDb.Execute; begin InitializeDatabase; ConnectToDatabase; restart; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} and in the frame constructor I have constructor TFrm.Create(aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); FError := TFError.Create; FTh:=TThDb.Create(True); FTh.WithOwner(Self).WhenDone(UpdateGrid); end; and launch the following code ; var i : integer; begin FTh.Start; i:=1; while True do with FTh do if Event.waitfor(0)=wrSignaled then begin Event.ResetEvent; WithAgencies(Format('%0.2d',)).ReStart; inc(i); if i>99 then i:=1; if Terminated then Break; end else Application.ProcessMessages; FTh.Free; As you see I've a loop ( it's nomal in my test), now If I click again on MyForm Create Thread Button from the main form, I create another TForm with a TFrrame in, and the thread connected to the database from the previous form/frame stop working. Is it a normal behaviour or am I missing something ? What I would like of course is that both form with thread in are still running. Thanks for your help Patrick
  8. PatV

    multi forms with thread in each

    Thanks John ! Will take my time to read it.
  9. PatV

    multi forms with thread in each

    Thanks a lot Peter, I will check the code the follow your advice.
  10. Hi All Delphi 10.3 / OmniThread 3.07.7 I'm playing with forms and threads and I'm a little lost... From a main form (FormMaster) , I have a button, when I click on it , it create another form (FormGrid) in FormGrid (1), I create a class (TFOmniDb) and create everything within the Thread (as the two fish sample) and update a grid on (1). now, If I create another FormGrid (2), and launch also the thread, then eveything on (1) stop instead of running in background) Could yoy help me to find the way of doing it ? Regards Patrick TFOmniDb = class private FId : string; FDo : TpDo; FDm : TDM; FWorker : IOmniBackgroundWorker; FRConfig : RConnectionConfig; FPrcDone : TOmniWorkItemDoneDelegate; FPrcToDo : TPrcLoadData; FOnConnectionOpen : TNotify; procedure InitializeDatabase(var taskState: TOmniValue); procedure FinalizeDatabase(const taskState: TOmniValue); procedure ConnectToDatabase(const workItem: IOmniWorkItem); procedure FirstStage(dataModule : TDM); procedure LoadData(const workItem : IOmniworkItem); Procedure WorkOnData(const Sender: IOmniBackgroundWorker; const workItem: IOmniWorkItem); public ... end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TFOmniDb.AfterConstruction; begin inherited; then FWorker := Parallel.BackgroundWorker .Initialize(InitializeDatabase) .Finalize(FinalizeDatabase) .Execute:
  11. At the end, it has nothing to do with omnithread, I have the same result with the thread class itself. I'll move my question (and provide sample) to General Help Patrick
  12. btw ... Delphi 10.3 and omnithread 3.07.7 ;-)